This event is organized by college students from the different universities with a common passion for empowering students and youth involvement in civic issues.
The Conference aims to train the country’s future leaders to simulate the legislative process from debating bills at the committee level all the way to plenary and inspire them to enter public service.
The Debate will be based on the Congress’s rules of procedure. Students will submit resolutions, give speeches in favor or against, and field questions. There will be three (3) committees - Political, Economic, and Social-discussing issues ranging from the Reproductive Health (RH) bill, the Sin Tax, and reforms to the Sanguniang Kabataan. In the afternoon, students will convene together in plenary. Students will represent positions on issues based on the interests of their district and their applied judgment, as part of the simulation exercise.
The PMC is open to all high school and college students.
Registration is free, inclusive of kits, meals, and access to the Senate Building. For more information, interested individuals may contact:
- Leandro Legarda LevistePhilippine Model Congress Organizing CommitteeE-mail Address: admin@philippinemodelcongress.orgWebsite address: