Are you having problems with your Metrobank Credit Card? Such as getting refused too often by some merchants? Or you're having difficulty maintaining your credit card bills and its many fees/charges. You might think that closing or terminating your Metrobank credit card is easy. You must consider the following things before closing it. You must pay off the balance first. If you want to cancel or close your credit card and it still has a balance on it, you might end up paying annoying charges or high interest rates. Metrobank will not close or terminate your credit card account if you don't settle your bills first.
After you fully pay your bills, you may call Metrobank Customer Service Representative to close your credit card account:
For Robinsons-Cebu Pacific MasterCardCall (02) 898-7088 or 1-800-10-8700755 (Domestic Toll-Free)Or email customerservice@rcpgo-card.comFor Platinum MasterCardCall (02) 870-0707 or 1-800-1-888-5775 (Domestic Toll-Free), +800-8700-0707 (International Toll Free)Or email customerservice@metrobankcard.comFor Metrobank Femme Visa and other Metrobank Credit CardsCall (02) 870-0700 or 1-800-1-888-5775 (Domestic Toll-Free)Or email
You may find it quicker calling a Customer Service Representative. While sending a message thru email may take a little longer for a Customer Service Representative to reply.
If you want to avoid call charges, you may visit a Metrobank branch or your branch of account (where you've opened the credit card account) to close your credit card account.
Remember: Termination of your Metrobank Credit Card account shall take effect on or before the 8th day after satisfying their conditions (payment of bills/balance). It's also required to cancel your enrolled bills with your corresponding merchants.
Take note, it's easier to close your credit card account (given that you pay your bills/balance) than to open one.
Avoiding credit cards is one of the effective ways of controlling compulsive spending. It's so easy to purchase thru credit card on things you don't really need but it's so difficult to pay them if your overall expenses exceeds your income. So, manage your finances wisely.
What's your reason why you want to cancel or close your Metrobank credit card account?