A. Nomination
- The school selects its official nominees. Each school is entitled to three nominees, one per category (EsP, AP, EPP)
- The nomination form must be officially endorsed and signed by the school head.
- The school's nominees accomplished nomination forms signed by the school head together with the other required documents should be sent directly to the BSP or its nearest Regional/Branch Office on or before prescribed date. The nomination form sent by registered mail should be postmarked on or before prescribed dated. The nominee must submit the original copy of the form together with its three (3) photocopies and four (4) 2x2 colored photos. He/She is also advised to keep a copy of the nomination form reference.
- The following are the required documents / attachments:
- recommendation letter of the school head;
- essay on the nominee's insights on the importance of his/her role in instilling among schoolchildren lessons on saving and money management;
- certified true copy of the teaching schedule/program for the covered school year, including other assignments related to financial education being handled by the nominee (if any, with certification on the number of hours served);
- performance evaluation rating
- certification on no pending administrative case, other attachments, if any
- certification for the instructional materials on financial education produced;
- certification for pupil's outputs on financial education;
- certification for the involvement in other related projects and other campaign activities on financial education
- certification on national/international award/s received related to teaching;