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National Task Force on School Sites Titling (NTFSST)

April 14, 2011

No. 33, s. 2011


1. To firmly establish ownership of school sites occupied by public elementary and secondary schools nationwide; to contribute to the further development and improvement of the public school system on a more stable basis; to protect the rights and interests of the Department of Education (DepEd) from legal and administrative issues affecting school sites, and to ensure that the funds allocated for the titling and acquisition of DepEd properties will be utilized pursuant to the provisions of the General Appropriations Act (GAA), the National Task Force on School Sites Titling (NTFSST) is hereby created.
2. The Chairman and Members of the NFSST are as follows:
Undersecretary for Legal and Legislative Affairs
Assistant Secretary/ Chief of Staff

Assistant Secretary for Legal and Legislative Affairs

Chief of the Budget Division

Chief of the Accounting Division

Chief of the Records Division

Chief of the Records Division

Head of Physical Facilities and Schools Engineering Division (PFSED)

Two (2) DepEd Legal Consultants

DepEd Technical Consultant
3. The Task Force will be assisted by a Secretariat composed of DepEd Central Office personnel, as follows:
One (1) Executive Assistant
One (1) Administrative Assistant II
One (1) Project Development Officer II
Three (3) Data Encoders
Two (2) Legal Researchers

4. To effectively implement the mandate of the NTFSST, the Task Force will have three (3) major operations: database, technical and legal. It shall have the following specific duties and functions:
  1. Database
    1. Maintain a school sites database to provide needed information to national government agencies, Congress and local government agencies;
    2. Classify, update and tabulate data on nationwide inventory of school sites;
    3. Manage records of ownership/occupancy and relevant documents on school sites titling;
    4. Coordinate with the NTFSST technical and legal personnel;
    5. Submit a monthly accomplishment report to the Chairman of the national Task Force; and
    6. Perform related functions as may assigned from time to time by the Chairman.
  2. Technical
    1. Identify and recommends ways and programs which shall facilitate the titling of untitled school sites in the name of the Republic of the Philippines, Department of Education, which include the following:
      • a.1. Titling of untitled school sites with the deeds of donation through the subsequent issuance of Presidential Proclamations and/or Special Patents;
      • a.2. Titling of registered school sites which are the subject of segregation survey with the Land Registration Authority (LRA) and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), including school sites under the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) resettlement areas and landed estates; and
      • a.3. Establishment of inter-agency linkages to facilitate and ensure compliance with the functions of the NTFSST.
    2. Secure periodic accomplishments of the abovecited agencies and offices, and receive data being requested by the NTFSST for budget deliberation and legislation;
    3. Secure the assistance of the PFSED School Sites Mapping Unit in the issuance of site suitability clearances as required by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and the Department of Health (DOH);
    4. Coordinate with the NTFSST database and legal personnel;
    5. Submit monthly status report to the Chairman of the national task force; and
    6. Perform related functions which may be assigned from time to time by the Chairman.
  3. Legal
    1. Review and recommend actions on school sites with adverse claims;
    2. Coordinate with the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) in representing DepEd in cases filed with the Courts on school sites problems, issues and concerns;
    3. Coordinate with the local government units (LGUs) on problems related to school sites including eviction of illegal settlers;
    4. Prepare legal documentation regarding school sites such as deeds of donation/conveyance/transfer, deeds of sale, deeds of exchange, usufruct agreements, memoranda of agreement and other contracts with government agencies involved in school sites titling and transfer of ownership;
    5. Coordinate with the NTFSST database and technical personnel;
    6. Provide legal assistance regarding the transfer of ownership of school sites in the name of DepEd;
    7. Submit monthly status report to the Chairman of the National Task Force; and
    8. Perform related functions which may be assigned from time to time by the Chairman.
5. Enclosure No. 1 contains the composition and functions of the Secretariat while Enclosure No. 2, the organization chart of the Task Force.

6. The Regional Offices shall assign their Regional Administrative Officers, Legal Officers and Schools Division Administrative Officers to directly coordinate with the NTFSST regarding school sites data, problems, issues and concerns.
7. The NTFSST will ensure that the lump sum appropriation under Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) in the amount of Ten Million Pesos (PhP10,000,000.00) and Capital Outlay (CO) in the amount of Sixty Five Million Seven Hundred Ninety Six Thousand Pesos (PhP65,796,000.00) or a total of Seventy Five Million Seven Hundred Ninety Six Thousand Pesos (PhP75,796,000.00) for the improvements, surveying, titling, and acquisition of school sites, and such other amounts as may be appropriated or allocated, will be utilized in accordance with the provisions of the GAA.

8. Expenses incurred by the NTFSST shall be charged to the MOOE and CO, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

9. All other previous and existing orders/memoranda inconsistent with this Order are hereby amended.

10. Immediate dissemination of and compliance with this Order is directed.

(Enclosure No. 1 to DepEd Order No. 33, s. 2011)


DepED Order No. 16, Series of 2010, dated February 18, 2010, reorganized the Task Force on School Sites, including the designation of the chairman and members, with their respective duties and functions. Prior to this Order, DECS Memorandum No. 369, Series of 1999, dated September 1, 1999, DECS Memorandum No. 381, Series of 1998, dated September 16, 1998, DECS Order No. 57, Series of 1995, dated September 14, 1995, DECS Order No. 83, Series of 1995, dated March 8, 1995, DECS Order No. 9, Series of 1995, dated February 10, 1995, DECS Order No. 96, Series of 1993, dated December 29, 1993, and Circular No. 20, Series of 1968, dated September 19, 1968, directed the creation of a task force and committee on school sites titling and acquisition, conduct a nationwide inventory of school sites and manage the acquisition, documentation and registration of school sites in the name of the Republic of the Philippines, Department of Education.

In line with this program, the National Task Force on School Sites Titling (NTFSST) will be assisted by a Secretariat, which will support the three major operations: database, technical and legal, with specific functions of present and proposed personnel, as follows:
    • Executive Assistant IV
      1. Supervise the Secretariat personnel under the guidance of the Undersecretary for Legal and Legislative Affairs.
      2. Attend meetings, prepare reports, prepare annual budget proposal, review queries and requests and recommend action for approval by the Undersecretary.
      3. Provide administrative support in titling of school sites.
      4. Coordinate activities on school sites including meetings and seminars with regional/division offices, national and local government agencies concerned.
      5. Perform related functions which may be assigned from time to time by the Chairman.
    • Administrative Assistant II
      1. Provide clerical support.
      2. Act as property custodian.
      3. Perform related functions which may be assigned from time to time.
    • Project Development Officer II
      1. Data analysis, interpretation and preparation of report.
      2. Coordinate with regional and schools division task force personnel.
      3. Follow up releases of titles, presidential proclamations/special patent with government agencies concerned on school sites titling.
      4. Prepare and submit report
      5. Perform related functions which may be assigned from time to time.
    • Three (3) Data Encoders
      1. Classify, update, encode and tabulate data.
      2. File documents
      3. Perform related functions which may be assigned from time to time.
    • Two (2) Legal Researchers
      1. Provide legal clerical support.
      2. Conduct legal researches.
      3. Perform liaison work as required.
      4. Perform related functions which may be assigned from to time.
      • Regional Administrative Officers, Legal Officers and Schools Division Administrative Officers assigned by the Regional Offices shall directly coordinate with the NTFSST regarding school sites data, problems, issues and concerns. They shall also submit monthly status reports to the NTFSST on operations regarding school sites titling and transfer of ownership in the name of DepED.

(Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Order No. 33, s. 2011)


Undersecretary for Legal & Legislative Affairs


Asec. Chief of Staff
Chief, Accounting Division
2 DepEd Legal Consultants
Asec., Legal/Legislative Affairs
Chief, Records Division
DepED Technical Consultant
Chief Division
  1. To firmly establish ownership of school sites occupied by public elementary and secondary schools nationwide
  2. To protect the rights and interest of the Department of Education from legal and administrative issues affecting school sites; and
  3. To ensure that the funds allocated for the titling and acquisition of DepED properties will be utilized pursuant to the provisions of the General Appropriations Act (GAA)


Executive Assistant IV
Administrative Assistant II
Project Development Officer II
3 Data Encoders
2 Legal Researchers

*Maintain a school sites database
*Records management and safekeeping of titles and ownership documents of school sites/properties of DepED. *Update, encode and tabulate all school sites data through various types of classification.
*Coordinate with the NTFSST technical and legal personnel

*Identify and recommend ways and programs which shall facilitate the titling of school sites in the name of the DepED., i.e.
  1. Titling of untiltled school sites with Deed of Donation, through the subsequent issuance of Presidential Proclamations and Special Patents;
  2. Titling of registered school sites which are subject of segregation survey with the LRA and the DENR including school sites under DAR resettlement areas and landed estates.
  3. Establish interagency linkages to facilitate and ensure compliance with the functions of the NTFSST.
*Secure periodic accomplishments of the above agencies and offices and provide data from time to time as required by the DBM and Congress.
*Secure the assistance of the PFSED School Sites Mapping Unit in the issuance of site suitability clearances as required by DPWH and the DOH.
*Coordinate with the NTFSST database and legal personnel.
*Review and recommend actions on school sites with adverse claims. *Coordinate with the OSG  in representing DepED in cases filed with the Courts on school sites problems, issues and concerns.
*Coordinate with the local government units problems related to school sites including eviction of illegal settlers. *Prepare legal documentation regarding school sites such as MOA and other contracts with government agencies involved in school sites titling and transfer of ownership
*Coordinate with the NTFSST database and technical personnel.
*Provide legal assistance regarding the transfer of ownership of school sites in the name of DepED.


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"National Task Force on School Sites Titling (NTFSST)" was written by Mary under the Philippine Government category. It has been read 3329 times and generated 0 comments. The article was created on and updated on 16 April 2011.
Total comments : 3
June [Entry]

Said MOA was signed in 2007 as per posted news.
June [Entry]

17 Feb 2012

Hello. It would be of great help to the different Divisions of the Department of Education if a copy of the MOA signed by all Secretaries of DepEd, DENR and DPWH is forwarded to them since it seems that not all District Offices of the DPWH are helping in the fast-tracking of school sites titling. So, May I request that a copy of said MOA be forwarded to all Divisions of DepEd nation-wide and let it be posted at the DepEd web site, too.
Thank you.
Emelyn A. Estando [Entry]

Hi. I would like the vital requirements for school site titling. Thank you.