www.websitevaluecalculator.com. is hacked
Other websites that are hacked by these Libyan Hackers are:
1. http://sinisterfruit.com/.Libya is officially the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, a country located in North Africa. People in Libya are mostly Muslims.I don't know what's their motivation of doing this cybercrimes. One of the major reasons why those websites above are hacked is the lack of web system security. It seems Libyan hackers are very happy and proud to successfully hack a website. How many and what kind of websites are their target for hacking? I don't know for sure. If they visit this site. I hope they will answer my questions. They have to be respected in terms of religion.
http://sinisterfruit.com/ hacked by taroq, a Libyan Hacker. This hacker uses an email address taroq@hackermail.com, and member of the team Delta Hacking Team Red Scorpion.
2. www.bcsbd.org.bd
www.bcsbd.org.bd is the official website of (Bangladesh Computer Society).
3. http://lev-im-web.de/templates/ly.html
This was also hacked by Almodamer 7 and Mohamed zsh, who are Libyan Hackers. Almodamer 7 uses an email "emenm72007@yahoo.com" while Mohamed zsh uses mohamed_zsh@yahoo.com
4. http://www.jadukoz.com
This is hacked by TeKnO.GeneRaL. OS-TEAM
5. http://www.rollercoasterlove.com/
Hacked by FREE MAN a.k.a warrior, a Libyan hacker also.
6. http://defaced.zone-h.net/defaced/2007/12/23/kamloopsfoodshare.org/
Hacked by taroq
7. http://www.digiturkizle.com/
Hacked by FREE MAN
8. http://107hits.com
Hacked by TeknO OS-TEAM
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/