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Mathematics, Science at Kalikasan (MathSciAKa) 2012

In line with the celebration of the Science Clubbing Movement, the PSYSC offers another venue for strengthening its main thrust in upholding the public understanding of science, technology, and the environment (PUSTE) especially to the young minds – the Mathematics, Science at Kalikasan commonly dubbed as MathSciAKa. This event will be conducted on September 22, 2012. The venue has yet to be announced.

MathSciAKa is a free of charge, Luzon-wide activity which caters to all elementary and high school science clubbers within the region. For several years, it has provided a venue to challenge our science clubbers mentally and physically through fun and educational science workshops and activities. Also, it has provided a healthy Engineering Science competition between science clubs, besting each other in the different challenges.

This year, MathSciAKa, together with the whole National Science Clubs Month (NSCM) celebration, breaks the conventions of the usual science clubbing experience. MathSciAKa revolutionize itself, becoming more relevant to the prevalent issues of science, technology and the environment today. Not only would it provide a series of workshops, but it will present practical applications and theories in the concepts of Sustainable Energy. Also, new Engineering Science Challenges will be offered this year to tackle some concerns about energy and its effect to the environment and society.

MathSciAKa is now composed of four activities: the Take Home Workshops, the On-the-Spot Workshops, the Interactive Workshops, and the latest Mystery Workshop. Furthermore, it has two brackets: Bracket I for Elementary and Bracket II for High School. A school may send a maximum of five (5) students per bracket. Three of which will be for the On-the-Spot and Interactive Workshops and two of which will be for the Take Home Workshops and Mystery Challenge. The performances in these four activities will determine the Over-all Champion. However, participation to each activity is optional. Several prizes, medals, and certificates are at stake during the event.

The PSYSC has always believed that the youth holds the power to expand our frontiers. We continue to innovate. We continue to look for means to break the walls that limit us. We continue to change, revolutionize and find ways. These passions of innovation and novelty must be ignited in our young minds. Thus, we greatly appreciate your interest in accepting the challenges. We hope this guide sheet will provide you all the necessary information that you will need for the competition. If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us through any medium mentioned below.
Kudos to our Future Scientist and Engineers!

The MathSciAKa 2012 Core Committee

Mathematics, Science at Kalikasan (MathSciAKa) 2012 Schedule of Activities

Venue: to be announced

What to bring: Come in your school’s P.E. uniform and rubber shoes - Jogging pants and white shirts will do. Bring extra set of P.E. uniform, your school ID, towels, bottled water, packed lunch and umbrella.


TimeBracket I - ElementaryBracket II - High School
7:00am - 8:30am
  • Registration Proper
  • Preliminary judging for Take Home Workshops
8:30am - 9:30amOpening Program
9:30am - 12:00pm
  • On-the-Spot Workshops
  • Judging Proper of Take Workshops
  • Interactive Workshops
  • Mystery Workshops
12:00pm - 1:30pmLunch Break
1:30pm - 4:00pm
  • Interactive Workshops
  • Mystery Workshops
  • On-the-Spot Workshops
  • Judging Proper of Take Workshops
4:00pm - 5:00pmSessions
5:00pm - 6:00pmAwarding and Closing Program
* The above schedule may change without prior notice. With this regard, always check www.psysc.org for further details.

General Guidelines

A.  Interactive Workshops

The Interactive Workshops will be a set of different scientific games and puzzles to feed the interests of the young minds. It basically is a fun and exciting segment during the event, with the application of the learning in the different fields of science such as mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, and general science.

Guidelines for Interactive Workshops:
  1. The competition is open to all high school and elementary science clubs affiliates.
  2. Each bracket will have at least ten (10) stations. Each station is worth 100 points and shall correspond to one activity or workshop.
  3. Each participating Science Club can send only one competing team which will be composed of three (3) students.
  4. The participants who will join the Interactive Workshops will automatically join the On-the-Spot Workshops.
  5. The team shall only proceed to the next station upon the signal to move, whether the team has finished early in a station. The time taken in finishing the activity in the station shall be noted by the proctor.
  6. The criteria for winning the Interactive Workshop will be based only on the accumulated points awarded in the stations. In case of a tie, the time factor comes in.
  7. Specific guidelines for each station will be given at the event proper by MathSciAKa staff and station managers.
B.  On-the-Spot Workshops

The On-the-Spot Workshops will contain series of experiments and workshops related solely to energy conservation and its concept’s applications. The Science Clubbers will be involved in the different fundamental ideas and applications of the different fields of energy.

Guidelines for the On-the-Spot Workshops:
  1. The competition is open to all high school and elementary science clubs affiliates.
  2. Each bracket will have three (3) different workshops or experiments.
  3. Each participating Science Club can send only one competing team which will be composed of three (3) students.
  4. The science club members who will join the On-the-Spot Workshops will automatically join the Interactive Workshops.
  5. The science club members who will join the Interactive and On-the-Spot Workshops will not be able to join the Take Home Workshops and Mystery Workshops.
  6. The workshops and experiments shall be done simultaneously during the event proper and within the provided time.
  7. Each workshop or experiment shall have its own station. All participating teams will be randomly assigned among the stations. The team will proceed to their next station upon reaching the time limit. Each team will work independently.
  8. The specific guidelines for the workshops and experiments will be given during the event proper.
  9. The criteria for winning the Interactive Workshop will be based only on the accumulated points awarded in the stations. In case of a tie, the time factor comes in.
C.  Mystery Workshops

This year, MathSciAKa brings another category to the event proper: the Mystery Workshops. This part of the competition will be composed of impromptu challenges that may range from simple essay writing and slogan making to experiment designing and science journalism. To become a true scientist, one does not simply perform the experiment; one must also be open-minded and be engaged in critical thinking about present issues, towards of communicating the findings. The Mystery Workshops provide another venue for attaining the fullness of being a scientist.

Guidelines for the Mystery Workshops
  1. The competition is open to all high school and elementary science club affiliates.
  2. Each bracket will have one challenge. The challenge for Bracket I will be different from that of Bracket II.
  3. Each participating Science Club can send only one competing team be composed of two (2) bona fide students.
  4. Participants of the Take Home Workshops are the same students qualified to join Mystery Workshops. However, if a science club has no entry for the Take Home Workshops, they may opt to send two (2) students to compete only in the Mystery Workshops.
  5. Participants who will join the Take Home Workshops and Mystery Challenge will not be able to join the Interactive and On-the-Spot Workshops.
  6. The challenge and specific guidelines shall be given during the event proper.
  7. Participants shall bring their own materials for the workshop. Failure to do so would disqualify them from participating
    • For Bracket I, bring art materials.
    • For Bracket II, research on sustainability of Nuclear Energy and Bataan Nuclear Power Plant
  8. Each participating team will work independently.
  9. The criteria for winning the Mystery Challenge will be based only on the scores awarded by the staff and judges. In case of a tie, a determining factor will be decided on the specific guidelines.
  10. Specific guidelines will be given during the event proper.
  11. The judges will follow the criteria set forth. The decision of the judges and staff is final and irrevocable.
D.  Take Home Workshops

The Take Home Workshops will be composed of the new Engineering Science Challenges. Each bracket will have two different challenges. The participants shall design the project in their respective schools and shall be tested during the event proper. The participating science clubs will try to best each other according to the criteria and to the judges’ decision. The Take Home Projects provide a venue for the creative and innovative practical application of scientific concepts.

Bracket I (Elementary):
Organic Battery
Rubber Band-powered Car

Bracket II (High School):
Parabolic Reflector
Copper (I) Oxide Solar Panel

Guidelines for the Take Home Projects
  1. The competition is open to all high school and elementary science clubs affiliates.
  2. Each school must have only one Science Club as the official participant to the MathSciAKa 2012. The Science Club may opt to join all the challenges.
  3. A pre-judging of the projects will be done prior to the testing proper. Pre-judging involves inspection of the materials, dimensions and other specifications. Projects that did not qualify the pre-judging are allowed to modify their project until 8:30 AM. Beyond the time limit, projects that did not qualify the pre-judging are not allowed to proceed to testing proper.
  4. The take home projects may be made by the entire Science Club; however, only two (2) science club members are to represent the entire Science Club during the judging on the event proper.
  5. Together with the official project entry, hard copy documentations must also be submitted per Science Club. These documentations will contain the documentaries such as pictures with captions, and explanations as proof that the students created their projects. Consultations done for the project must be included in the documentary. The documentation is at maximum of five (5) letter sized pages.
  6. During the event proper, participants are obliged to do the transport of their project. The MathSciAKa staff will not handle any of the projects and are not responsible for any damage.
  7. The participants who will join the Take Home Workshops will automatically join the Mystery Workshops.
  8. The science club members who will join the Take Home Workshops and Mystery Workshops will not be able to join the Interactive and On-the-Spot Workshops.
  9. Rules, mechanics and specific guidelines of each project are included with this document. It will also be available at www.psysc.org and at different web portals of PSYSC. Blogspot: www.ecatalyst.blogspot.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/psysc / www.facebook.com/psysc.nscm Multiply: www.psysc.multiply.com
  10. The MathSciAKa Team will be strict to the specifications per Take Home Project.
  11. Judges will evaluate the criteria during the judging. The decision of the judges and staff is final and irrevocable.
  12. Pre-registration forms may be sent to the PSYSC National office through facsimile or through snail mail. Registration forms must be received by the MathSciAKa Secretariat on or before August 24, 2012.

Over-all Scoring

Interactive Workshops20%
On-the-Spot Workshops30%
Take Home Workshops30%
Mystery Workshops20%

Awards and Prizes

Php 25,000 worth of prizes will be given away

Over-all Champion
Trophy for the club, medals and certificates of recognition for all team members, 50% discount for the 2012 CSIW or 2013 NYSTESC for all team members and coach

First Runner Up
Trophy for the club, medals and certificates of recognition for all team members Certificate for coach

Second Runner Up
Trophy for the club, medals and certificates of recognition for all team members Certificate for coach

Interactive, On-the-Spot and Mystery Workshops
Will have first, second and third placers Medals and certificates of recognition for all winning participants

Take Home Workshops

First Place
Php 2o00 cash, medals and certificates for the representatives, certificate of recognition for the science club.

Second Place and Third Place
Medals and certificates for the representatives, certificate of recognition for the science club.

All participants (students and coaches) will receive Certificates of Appearance and Participation

Summit MathSciAKa

MathSciAKa aims to explore the creativity and innovativeness of every student in the country. PSYSC provides another venue for students studying outside Luzon in developing their interest in Science through Summit-MathSciAKa.

Summit-MathSciAKa is an event during Summit where participants are challenged mentally and physically through fun and educational science workshops which are relevant to some issues in science and technology today. It is composed of two parts: Summit-Engineering Science and Summit-Interactive, the Summit counterparts of Take Home Workshops and Interactive Workshops, respectively.

Summit-MathSciAKa is an interschool competition during Summit. The top scorer in the Summit Engineering Science and Summit Interactive will be awarded. The total scores earned by each Summit-participating School in all Summit-MathSciAKa activities will determine the Summit-MathSciAKa Champion in the site.

A.  Summit Engineering Science Challenge
  1. This is open to all Summit-participating Science Club.
  2. Each participating Science Club can send only one competing team.
  3. A team must be composed of two students who are Summit participants. These students must not be the participants of the Summit Interactive.
  4. The Engineering Science projects may be made by the entire Science Club; however, only two science club members are to represent the entire School during the judging.
  5. There is one (1) Engineering Science Challenge this year, the Savonius Wind Mill.
  6. Rules and mechanics of the project and registration forms will be available with this file and also accessible in all PSYSC web portals.
    • Website: www.psysc.org
    • Blogspot: www.ecatalyst.blogspot.com
    • Facebook: www.facebook.com/psysc
    • www.facebook.com/psysc.nscm
    • Multiply: www.psysc.multiply.com/links
  7. The MathSciAKa Team will be strict to the specifications per Engineering Science Workshop.
  8. Registration forms will be available during Summit registration on September 8, 2012.
  9. Winners will receive Certificate of Recognition.
  10. All participants (students and coaches) will receive Certificates of Appearance and Participation
Summit Interactive Workshops
  1. This is open to all Summit-participating Science Club.
  2. Each participating Science Club can send only one competing team composed of at most five (5) Summit student-participants. These students must not be the participants of the Summit Engineering Science Workshops.
  3. The Summit-Interactive will have ten (10) stations. Each station shall correspond to one activity or workshop.
  4. For schools with less than five (5) participants, they will still be allowed to participate but no challenge will be adjusted for the team.
  5. Substitution is not allowed. For the teams who started with less than 5 members, additional members are allowed to join to complete the team even if the competition already started.
  6. Each team must accomplish the goal of each activity in a station. Corresponding points shall be awarded.
  7. The team shall only proceed to the next station upon the signal to move, whether the team has finished early in a station. The time taken in finishing the activity in the station shall be noted by the proctor.
  8. The criteria for winning the Summit-Interactive will be based only on the accumulated points awarded in the stations. In case of a tie, the time factor comes in.
  9. Specific areas will be assigned for each station. Going outside this area before the signal to move will create a deduction for the team.
  10. Guidelines for the stations shall be given during the event proper.
  11. Winners will receive Certificate of Recognition
  12. All participants (students and coaches) will receive Certificates of Appearance and Participation
Contact Details

For more information, questions, and clarifications, feel free to contact the following:

PSYSC National Office:
Unit 703, West Mansions Condominium, Zamboanga St.,
Brgy. Nayong Kanluran, Quezon City
(02) 332-8151 or (02) 393-4384

You may also visit the PSYSC web portals:

Or send an email to the MathSciAKa 2012 Core:

- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Mathematics, Science at Kalikasan (MathSciAKa) 2012" was written by Mary under the Events category. It has been read 4177 times and generated 0 comments. The article was created on and updated on 17 August 2012.
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