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Strengthening the School Health & Nutrition Programs for the Achievement of the Education For All (EFA) & Millenium Development Goals (MDGs)

The Department of Education (DepEd) through the Health and Nutrition Center (HNC) is strengthening the School Health and Nutrition Programs (SHNP) into its key programs and aligning all its activities into one seamless whole. This is envisioned to make this Department better able to determine the effectiveness and relevance of its programs, and to make these more responsive to the DepEd's mission of enhancing the student's motivation and capacity for learning, improving learning outcomes, reducing absenteeism, and ensuring that school-age children are able to stay in school as enunciated in the Education For All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The SHNP, a key component of the Department's thrusts, is designed to maintain and improve the health of schoolchildren by preventing diseases, promoting health-related knowledge, attitudes, skills, and practices. Aligning the SHNP with the DepEd's programs will keep it in step with its targets, and pave the way for a more systematic and holistic approach in the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of its multifarious undertakings.

For this purpose, the active participation of other government organizations (GOs), local government units (LGUs), non-government organizations (NGOs), professional associations, other private-sector groups, and concerned individuals shall be intensified by enlisting their involvement in the preventive health care, poverty alleviation, hunger mitigation, public health awareness campaign, and all other programs aimed at promoting the health and nutritional status of schoolchildren and school personnel.

All regional directors (RDs), schools division/city superintendents (SDSs), and school officials shall take the lead in ensuring that school health and nutrition programs/projects are integrated in the regional/division annual and medium-term plans and School Improvement Plans (SIPs) with administrative and financial support, in line with the School-Based Management (SBM) principles. All school health and nutrition personnel shall be mobilized to scale up the implementation of these programs. The guidelines and matrix of activities are contained in the enclosure.

Click here to download the Matrix of Activities and Timeframe for the Integrated School Health and Nutrition Program Enclosure.

Full Transcript of the Enclosure:


The following Health and Nutrition Program address EFA Goals (Expanding early childhood care and education; Improving the quality of education; and Providing learning and life skills to young people and adults) and MDG Goals (Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; Reduce child mortality rate; Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases; and Ensure environmental sustainability)

DepEd Strategies
to achieve EFA &
MDG Goals
Specific Time Frame
Reports Needed
A. Health and Nutrition and Examination for Children and Youth
1. Medical/Dental/Nursing Services

> aims to promote, protect and maintain the health status of school children and teachers and non-teaching personnel through the provision of various health services and inculcation of desirable values and behavior. Implemented with various government agencies, NGOs, and professional organizations.
> Reduce Drop-out Rate

>Reduce absenteeism

> Improve general health of students
> Medical Officers

> Dentists

> Nurses

> Nutritionist-Dietitians

> Dental Aides

> School Division Superintendents

> School Heads

> Teachers
> Conduct health examination/treatment/referral of pupils/students, teachers and non-teaching personnel

> Provision of medical/dental supplies

> Issuance of permission slips to pupils to be signed by parents/guardians

> Conduct of post conference to school administrators to discuss observations and findings of cases and recommendations

> Integration of the ISHNP in the School Improvement Plan (SIP)

> Discussion of health concepts in the curriculum

> Conduct monitoring of the program

> Conduct summer activities such as:
  1. health examination of prospective Grade 1 entrants, teaching and non-teaching personnel;
  2. monitor the compliance to treatment of teachers/non-teacing personnel found to be positive of tuberculosis (TB);
  3. conduct meetings with local government officials and school administrators to advocate the Essential Health Care Program (EHCP).
  4. plan program activities and targets for the opening of classes
  5. conduct peer orientation on the policies and guidelines of the ISHNP, and;
  6. prepare project proposals as sources of additional funds;

> January - December

> April - May

> January - December
> Monthly, Quarterly, Mid-year an Annual accomplishment reports
2. Nutritional Assessment

* Nutritional Assessment is the appraisal of available information to provide a description of existing nutritional situation. Height and Weight of children are determined and compared with the WHO Child Growth Standards Tables and Charts to come up with the nutritional status of children.
> Reduce Drop-out Rate

> Reduce absenteeism

> Improve general health and nutrition of students
> School Nurses

> Nutritionist / Dietitian

> Nutrition coordinators

> School Division Superintendents

> School Heads

> Teachers
> Conduct of assessment nutritional status for: a) baseline data and b) endline data

> Celebration of Nutrition Month thru: -in-school activities like poster making, quiz bees, slogan making contests

> Discussion of Nutrition concepts in the curriculum
> June - September

> July

> January - February
> Accomplishment report submitted twice a year
B. Health Services Provision (includes Treatment and Referral)
1. Integrated Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis Prevention and Control Program (School-bases Deworming Program)
> Reduce Drop-out Rate

> Reduce Absenteeism

> Improve general health of students
> Medical officers

> School Nurse

> School Division Superintendents

> School Heads

> Teachers
> Discussion of the deworming activities and its health benefits to mothers and caretakers in schools

> Schedule deworming of pupils twice a year

> Conduct deworming of all pre-school and Grade 1 t 4 pupils under the supervision of the health personnel and assisted by school teachers

> Conduct good hygiene practices in schools thru:
  • proper handwashing, wearing of slippers/shoes, drinking of potable water, clipping of fingenails
  • discussion of proper hygiene and sanitation in schools
> Conduct monitoring of the WASH program in schools

> Consolidation and maintenance of deworming reports by school heads
> January and July

> June - December, January - March
Accomplishment report submitted twice a year
2. Vision and Auditory Screening
> Prevent eye and ear diseases

> Reduce Drop-out Rate

> Reduce absenteeism

> Improve general health of students

> Improve learning capacity
> Medical Officers

> Nurses

> School Division Superintendents

> School Heads

> Teachers
> Conduct of vision and auditory screening

> Coordination with partner organizations for treatments/referrals

> Conduct monitoring of the program
> January - March

> June - December

> January - December
> Midyear and Annual accomplishment reports
3. Essential Health Care Program (EHCP)
> Reduce Drop-out Rate

> Reduce absenteeism

> Prevent diseases

> Improve general health of pupils/students

> Improve learning capacity
> Program Coordinators

> Medical Officers

> Dentists

> Nurses

> School Division Superintendents

> School Heads

> Teachers
> Conduct PTA assemblies for proper information of parents and teachers on the EHCP in schools

> Conduct advocacy activities with LGUs and other partners

> Conduct toothbrushing, handwashing, and deworming activities

> Conduct distribution of EHCP Kits

> Discussion on the importance of water, sanitation and hygiene in schools

> Conduct celebration of Global Handwashing Day thru activities such as: postermaking/slogan/theme writing competitions, song, drama and games to communicate safe water and hygiene messages

> Conduct monitoring of the program
> January - March

> June - December

> October

> January - December
> Midyear and Annual Accomplishment Reports
4. Oral Health Care Program

> 7 O'clock Toothbrushing Habit Activity

> a program to enhance oral health education and prevent dental diseases through the inculcation of a daily toothbrushing habit
> Prevent diseases

> Reduce Drop-out Rate

> Reduce absenteeism

> Improve general health of pupils/students

> Improve learning capacity
> Program Coordinators

> Dentists-In-charge

> School Division Superintendents

> School Heads

> Teachers
> Conduct of the daily 7 o'clock tooth brushing drill activity

> Conduct discussion on the importance of oral health in the curriculum

> Celebration of the national Dental Month through the conduct of Dental Missions

> Conduct monitoring of the program
> January - March

> June - December

> February

> January - December
> Midyear and Annual Accomplishment Reports
C. Supplementary Feeding for Undernourished Children
Gulayan sa Paaralan Program

> to establish school gardens as food baskets to provide as ready source of vegetables for supplementary feeding program and increase the economic productivity and health condition of the community.
> Prevent diseases

> Promote health-enhancing behaviors

> Promote learning and enhance life skills

> Improve general health and nutrition of students and school personnel
> Program Coordinators

> Medical Officers

> School Division Superintendents

> School Heads Nutritionist-Dietitians

> ES I and ES II (Agriculture)

> TLE and EPP Teachers
> Establishment of vegetable production centers

> Conduct monitoring of the program
> January - March

> January - December
> Midyear and Annual accomplishment reports
Breakfast Feeding Program

> the program is designed to improve the nutritional status of the school children and address the short term hunger syndrome. It provides hotmeals to children following the developed standardized recipes utilizing locally produced and/or grown foods, and a variety of vegetables from garden produce may be added in the menu.
> Reduce Drop-out Rate

> Reduce absenteesim

> Ease hunger and extreme poverty

> Improve general health and nutrition of students

> Improve learning capacity
> Medical Officers

> School Nurses

> Nutritionist-Dietitians

> Feeding teachers/Nutrition Coordinators

> School Division Superintendents

> School Heads

> Teachers
> Conduct of medical and dental examination before the start of the feeding program

> Conduct of deworming to beneficiaries

> Conduct of feeding utilizing indigenous food

> Conduct of feeding of all grade 1 pupils in selected schools for 120 feeding days

> Conduct of orientation training for school implementers on the mechanics of the feeding program, including their respective roles and responsibilities

> Discussion of health and nutrition topics during the feeding activity
> January - March and June - November (minimum of 100 days feeding and a maximum of 120 days feeding per school year)
> Status/accomplishment report
E. Complementary Programs For Schools and Communities
1. School-Based HIV and AIDS Education Prevention Program

> is practical and massive information dissemination campaign anchored on RA 8504 ("The Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998). It seeks to educate the general population on the risks of HIV and AIDS as an attempt to reduce infection
> Prevent diseases
> Promote health enhancing behaviors

> Promote learning and enhance life skills
> Medical Officers

> School Nurses

> Nutritionist-Dietitians

> Feeding teachers/Nutrition Coordinators

> School Division Superintendents

> School Heads

> Teachers

> Conduct discussions on HIV and AIDS prevention in the school curriculum

> Conduct HIV and AIDS education and advocacy for DepEd personnel

> Celebration of AIDS Candlelight Memorial thru the lighting of candles in schools and Community Learning Centers to commemorate those who died of the disease.

> Celebration of World AIDS Day activities in schools and Community Learning Centers thru:
  • putting-up of posters / informtation on HIV and AIDS prevention in bulletin boards
  • holding of competitions such as theme writing, poster making, slogan making on HIV and AIDS prevention
  • discussions on HIV and AIDS prevention
> January - December

> May

> December
> Midyear and Annual accomplishment reports
2. National Drug Education Program (NDEP)

> An educational endeavor aimed to raise the consciousness of elementary and secondary students on the perils of use of ilicit drugs. It has been designed to enable all sectors to work collaboratively with the school system as the core, thereby unifying all sectoral endeavors.

> It is anchored on RA 7624 of 1992 (An Act Integrating Drug Prevention and Control in the Intermediate and Secondary Curricula as well as the Non-Formal, Informal and Indigenous Learning Systems) and RA 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002)
> Prevent diseases

> Promote health enhancing behaviors

> Promote learning and enhance life skills
> NDEP Coordinators

> Medical Officer

> Nurses

> School Division Superintendents

> School Heads

> Teachers

> Integration of drug education concepts in the curriculum

> Training of teachers and school administrators on the utilization of support instructional materials

> Establishment of linkages among government, private, and civic organizations in drug abuse prevention education

> Issuance of a memorandum on the conduct of random drug testing

> Conduct of Drug Education and Advocacy

> Conduct of Random Drug Testing

> Conduct activities on drug abuse prevention and Community Learning Centers thru:
  • Discussions on drug abuse prevention in the curriculum
  • Poster making contests, slogan and theme writing contests e.g. on drug abuse prevention and control
> January - March
> June - December
> Midyear and Annual accomplishment reports
3. Traditional and Alternative Health Care

In collaboration with the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC)  of the DOH, school health personnel and parents are trained on the preparation and use of locally available but effective herbal medicines for the treatment of common ailments
> Prevent diseases

> Promote health enhancing behaviors

> Promote learning and enhance life skills
> Coordinators

> Medical Officers

> Nurse

> School Division Superintendents

> School Heads

> Teachers
> Discussion of traditional and alternative health care in the curriculum

> Conduct of activities on traditional and alternative health care in schools and Community Learning Centers thru:
  • Poster making contests, slogan and theme writing contests
> January - December
> Status / accomplishment report
4. Health-Promoting School

One of the components of CFSS where all members of the school community work together to provide students with integrated and positive experiences and structures which promote and protect their health
> Prevent diseases

> Promote health enhancing behaviors

> Promote learning and enhance life skills
> Medical Officers

> Nurses

> School Division Superintendents

> School Heads

> Teachers
> Conduct orientation of school personnel on CFSS and HPS

> Conduct of advocacy campaigns on HPS

> Conduct Monitoring of schools
> January - March

> June - December
> Status / accomplishment report
1. Teachers' Health Welfare Enhancement Program

> School health personnel shall conduct health examination and health profiling of all teachers and non-teaching personnel. Those found at risk or manifesting signs and symptoms of illnesses are managed accordingly.
> Prevent diseases

> Promote health enhancing behaviors

> Promote learning and enhance life skills
> Medical Officers

> Nurses

> School Division Superintendents

> School Heads

> Teachers
> Conduct of health examination and profiling of teachers

> Conduct of treatment and referral of minor ailments and follow-up cases of DepEd personnel

> Conduct of health and nutrition education and counseling of DepEd personnel

> Conduct of the "BP Ng Teacher Ko Alaga Ko Project"
> April - May
> Status / accomplishment report
2. School-Based Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program

> Includes case finding and treatment of TB symptomatic DepEd personnel and students. It is implemented in coordination with the Department of Health and PhilHealth.
> Prevent diseases

> Promote health enhancing behaviors

> Promote learning and enhance life skills

> Improve general health of students and school personnel
> Nurse Coordinators

> Medical Officers

> Nurses

> School Division Superintendents

> School Heads

> Teachers
> Conduct case findings and treatment of TB symptomatic DepEd personnel and students

> Conduct of treatment and referral of follow-up cases of students and DepEd personnel

> Commemorating World TB Day thru the following activities:
  • short film showing on TB
  • Discussions on TB preventions in the curriculum
  • holding of poster making contests, slogan and theme writing contests e.g.
> January - December

> March
> Quarterly and Annual accomplishment reports
3. Psycho-social Intervention Project

> Designed to prepare school health personnel with the knowledge and skills to conduct psycho-social intervention as well as train other school personnel on crisis management especially in war-torn and calamity-stricken areas
> Prevent disease

> Promote health enhancing behaviors

> Promote learning and enhance life skills
> Medical Officers

> Nurses

> School Division Superintendents

> School Heads

> Teachers
> Conduct of psycho-social interventions as needed thru:
  • lecture discussions
  • Demonstrations
  • Role-playing
> January - December
> Status / accomplishment report
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"Strengthening the School Health & Nutrition Programs for the Achievement of the Education For All (EFA) & Millenium Development Goals (MDGs)" was written by Mary under the Schools / Universities category. It has been read 8761 times and generated 3 comments. The article was created on and updated on 01 June 2011.
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