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Latest List of Traffic Violation, Penalties and Fees of LTO-Philippines

In June 2014, the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC), Land Transportation Office (LTO) and the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board approved the New or Revised Schedule of Fines and Penalties for Violations of Laws, Rules and Regulations Governing Land Transportation. Penalties have been raised (increased). LTO said that it has decided to increase the penalties/fines to force the motorist in avoiding the traffic violations. For example, the previous Php 1,500 penalty for driving without driver's license is increased to Php 3,000 and the Php 150 penalty for failure to carry Certificate of Registration is increased to Php 1,000.
Traffic Violations and Penalties in Philippines

Here's the complete list of violations related to land transportation services in the Philippines:

Latest List of Traffic Violation, Penalties and Fees of LTO (Land Transportation Office) Philippines

Violations in Connection with Licensing
a. Driving without Driver's License
  • This includes driving with an expired, revoked, suspended, inappropriate driver's license restriction code, inappropriate driver's license classification, fake driver's license, tourist driving a motor vehicle with a valid foreign driver's license beyond the 90-day maximum allowable period and a student driver driving without being accompanied by a duly licensed driver.
Php 3,000
b. Driving a Motor Vehicle Used in the Commission of a Crime Upon Conviction by a Regular Court of Competent Jurisdiction
Php 10,000
c. Commission of a Crime in the Course of Apprehension Upon Conviction by a Regular Court of Competent Jurisdiction
Php 10,000
d. Driving a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence of Alcohol, Dangerous Drugs and/or Similar Substance Upon Final Conviction by a Regular Court of Competent Jurisdiction (Section 12, R.A. 10586)
Php 3,000
e. Reckless Driving
Php 2,000 (1st Offense
Php 3,000 (2nd Offense)
Php 10,000 (Subsequent Offense)
f. Submission of Fake Documents in Relation to the Application for a Driver's License (New/Renewal)
Php 3,000
g.1 Failure to Wear the Prescribed Seat Belt Device
Php 1,000 (1st Offense)
Php 2,000 (2nd Offense)
Php 5,000 (3rd Offense)
g.2 Failure to Require His/Her Passenger/s to Wear the Prescribed Seat Belt Device
  • includes Public Utility's failure to post signages instructing front seat passenger to wear seatbelts when inside the vehicle.
Php 3,000 (driver and operator)
h. Failure to Wear the Standard Protective Motorcycle Helmet or Failure to Require the Back Rider to Wear the Standard Protective Motorcycle Helmet
  • includes wearing helmet with fake Philippine Standard (PS) or Import Commodity Clearance (IIC) sticker.
Php 1,500 (1st Offense)
Php 3,000 (2nd Offense)
Php 5,000 (3rd Offense)
i. Failure to Carry Driver's License, Certificate of Registration or Official Receipt While Driving a Motor Vehicle
Php 1,000
j. All Other Violations of Traffic Rules and Regulations

This includes:
  1. Parking:
    1. in an intersection
    2. within 5 meters of the intersection
    3. 4 meters from the driveway entrance
    4. within 4 meters from a fire hydrant
    5. in front of a private driveway
    6. on the roadway side of any unmoving or parked MV at the curb or edge of the highway
    7. at any place where signs of prohibitions have been installed
  2. Disregarding Traffic Signs
  3. Allowing passengers on top or cover of a motor vehicle except in a truck helper
  4. Failure to provide canvass cover to cargos or freight of trucks requiring the same
  5. Permitting passenger to ride on running board, stepboard or mudguard or MV while the same in motion.
  6. Failure to dim headlights when approaching another motor vehicle
  7. Driving in a place not intended for traffic or into place not allowed for parking
  8. Hitching or permitting a person or a bicycle, motorcycle, tricycle or skate roller to hitch to a motor vehicle
  9. Driving against traffic
  10. Illegal turn
  11. Illegal overtaking
  12. Overtaking at unsafe distance
  13. Cutting an overtaken vehicle
  14. Failure to give way to an overtaking vehicle
  15. Increasing speed when being overtaken
  16. Overtaking when left side is not visible or clear of oncoming traffic
  17. Overtaking upon a crest of a grade
  18. Overtaking upon a curve
  19. Overtaking at any railway grade crossing
  20. Overtaking at an intersection
  21. Overtaking on "men working" or "caution" signs
  22. Overtaking at no overtaking zone
  23. Failure of the vehicle on the left to yield the right of way to the vehicle on the right when these vehicles approach or enter an intersection at approximately the same time.
  24. Failure of a vehicle approaching but not having entered intersection to yield the right of way to a vehicle within such intersection or turning therein to the left across the line of travel of the first mentioned vehicle
  25. Failure of the driver of any vehicle upon a highway within a business or residential district to yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing such highway within a crosswalk except at intersection where the movement of traffic is regulated by a peace officer or by traffic signal.
  26. Failure to stop before traversing a "through highway" or railroad crossing
  27. Failure of a vehicle entering a highway from a private road or driver upon a highway to yield the right of way to all vehicles approaching on such highway.
  28. Failure to yield right of way to ambulance, police or fire department vehicles.
  29. Failure to yield right of way at a "through highway" or a "stop intersection".
  30. Failure to give proper signal
  31. Failure to stop motor and notch handbrake of motor vehicle when unattended
  32. Unsafe towing
  33. Obstruction
  34. Motorcycle carrying more passengers other than the back rider or cargo other than the saddle bags and luggage carriers
  35. Overchargin/Undercharging
  36. No franchise/Certificate of Public Convenience or evidence of franchise
  37. Fake CPC, OR/CR, plates, stickers, and tags
  38. Opertaing the unit with defective parts and accessories
  39. Failure to provide discount to those entitled
  40. Fast, tampered, defective taximeter
  41. No sign board
  42. Pick and drop Passenger outside the terminal
  43. Carrying of illegal and/or prohibited cargoes
  44. Failure to provide fire extinguisher and required "STOP and GO" signage for use of each vehicle.
  45. Trip cutting.
  46. Failure to display fare matrix
  47. Breach of franchise conditions under 2011 Revised Terms and Conditions of CPC.

Php 1,000
Violations in Connection with Motor Vehicle Registration/Renewal/Operation
a. Driving an Unregistered Motor Vehicle
  • This includes driving with an improperly registered motor vehicle or a motor vehicle with expired, revoked, suspended or invalid registration, unregistered or fake substitute or replacement engine, engine block or chassis
Php 10,000
b. Unauthorized Motor Vehicle Modification
  • This includes change in color and other unauthorized modifications of the standard manufacturer's specification not covered by the preceding section a.
Php 5,000
c. Operating a Right Hand Drive Motor Vehicle
Php 50,000
d. Motor Vehicle Operating without or with Defective/Improper/Unauthorized Accessories, Devices, Equipment and Parts
  • This includes bells/horns/sirens/whistles, blinkers, brakes, early warning device (EWD), grill/s, jalousies, brake (foot and hand brakes), brake lights/headlights/interior lights/signal, lights/tail lights, mirrors, mufflers, metallic tires/spare tire, speedometer, windshield, wipers or any other accessory, device, equipment or part that is manifestly prejudicial to road safety.
Php 5,000
e. Failure to Attach or Improper Attachment/Tampering of Authorized Motor Vehicle License Plates and/or Third Plate Sticker
Php 5,000
f. Smoke Belching
Php 2,000 (1st Offense)
Php 4,000 (2nd Offense)
1-year suspension of the Motor Vehicle Registration (MVR) and fine not more than
Php 6,000 (3rd Offense)
g. Fraud in Relation to the Registration of the Motor Vehicle and/or it's Renewal
Php 3,000
h. All Other Violation in Connection with Motor Vehicle Registration/Renewal/Operation
Php 2,000
Violations in Connection with Dimensions, Specifications/Weight and Load Limits
a. Load Extending Beyond Projected Width Without Permit
Php 1,000
b. Axle Overloading
An amount equivalent ot 25% of MVUC at the time of infringement on owner/operator or driver of trucks and trailers for loading beyond their registered gross weight, vehicle weight. The penalty shall be waived for loads exceeding the registered GVW by a tolerance of less than 5%
c. Operating a Passenger Bus/Truck With Cargo Exceeding 160 kg.
Php 1,000
Violations in Connection with Franchise
1. Colorum ViolationPhp 1 million (bus)
Php 200,000 (truck)
Php 50,000 (Jeepney)
Php 200,000 (Van)
Php 120,000 (Sedan)
Php 6,000 (Motorcycle)
2. Refusal to render service to the public or convey passenger destinationPhp 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
3. Overcharging/Undercharging of farePhp 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
4. Failure to provide proper body markingsPhp 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
5. No franchise/Certificate of Public Convenience or evidence of franchise presented during apprehension or carried inside the Motor VehiclePhp 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
6. Presentation of Fake CPC, OR/CR, plates, stickers, and tagsRevocation/Cancellation of the franchise/Certificate of Public Convenience
7. Employing reckless, insolent, discourteous arrogant driversPhp 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
8. Allowing an unauthorized driver to drive PUV or allowing a driver to drive PUV without bringing his/her driver's licensePhp 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
9. Operating the unit/s with defective parts and accessoriesPhp 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
10. Failure to provide fare discount to those entitle under existing lawsPhp 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
11. Failure to provide the Board with complete, correct, and updated operator's information (such as, but not limited to, address, contact numbers, list of drivers, etc.) and other forms of misrepresentationPhp 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
12. Failure to display "No Smoking" signage and/or allowing personnel or passenger to smoke inside the vehiclePhp 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
13. Fast, tampered, defective taximeter or operating without or with an old seal taximeter (TX only)Php 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
14. Tampered, broken, joined, reconnected, fake or altered sealing wire (TX only)Php 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
15. Violation of color scheme or design/Adoption of new color design without authority from the Board (PUB and TX only)Php 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
16. Unregistered or unauthorized trade/business name (PUB and TX only)Php 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
17. No Panel Route (PUJ, PUB, UV)Php 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
18. No sign board (PUJ, PUB, UV)Php 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
19. Pick and Drop of Passengers outside the Terminal (PUJ, PUB, UV)Php 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
20. Carrying of illegal and/or prohibited cargoesPhp 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
21. Failure to provide fire extinguisher and required "STOP and GO" signage for use of each vehicle (STS only)Php 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
22. Trip Cutting (PUJ, PUB, UV)Php 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
23. Failure to display fare matrix (PUJ, PUB, UV)Php 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)
24. Failure to display the International Symbol of Accessibility inside the units and/or failure to designate seats specifically for the use of Person with Disabilities or Failure or refusal to transport PWDs (PUJ, PUB, TTS, UV)Php 50,000 (1st Offense)
Php 75,000 and impounding of unit of at least 45 days (2nd Offense)
Php 100,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd and subsequent Offenses)
25. Breach of franchise conditions under 2011 Revised Terms and Conditions of CPC not otherwise herein provided.Php 5,000 (1st Offense)
Php 10,000 and impounding of unit for 30 days (2nd Offense)
Php 15,000 and cancellation of CPC (3rd Offense)

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Department of Transportation and Communications Joint Administrative Order No. 2014-01
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"Latest List of Traffic Violation, Penalties and Fees of LTO-Philippines" was written by Mary under the Philippine Government category. It has been read 206208 times and generated 37 comments. The article was created on and updated on 15 July 2014.
Total comments : 36
Erwin Magalang [Entry]

Thank you for providing detailed information about the list of a traffic violation, penalties, and fees of LTO Philippines. Every mistake you commit while on the road will result in penalties and fees which is why you need to be more responsible. All of us would agree that paying such expense can be painful knowing that we can avoid paying such amount. Knowing this will enlighten our minds to be more careful on the road as well as following all the regulations. Additionally, you might want to check this blog that provides some reminders to avoid LTO penalties. Here's the link: https://blog.beepbeep.ph/avoid-lto-penalties/
Jhoanna Collantes [Entry]

Ask ko lang po kung magkano po ang dapat ko bayaran sa metro bank obstruction and illegal parking not towed? Wala po nakalagay sa receipt na amount. Salamat po.
Lyka A. Juan [Entry]

Gud day, sir ask ko lang po ung motor cycle po kasi naming hulugan one year na po sa min nitong oct. E wla pa po xang original plate ung temporary pa lang po, ano po ba un kapag nagbyahe huhulihin po ba kami nun?? Kailan po ba na e rehistro ulit kahit wala pang plate?? Pero registered na po xa at may document po,,
Anthony onquit [Entry]

Gud day.... Sir please kindly send to me list of modification for offroaders and price per modify... Thanks.
John doe [Entry]

Mga buwaka nh ina nyo LTO.. Tatandaan ko ung humuli saking bobo na d daw standard helmet n gamit ng backride ko!!! Putang ina nyo LS2 halfface d standard putang ina nyo
Wynden Malate [Entry]

Ask lang po. New Motor no plate number, for registration lang ang nakalagay, my violation ba?
Spincer familar [Entry]

Tumatawag po ako sainyo lto sa hnd pagbalik sakin ng tamang sukli ng mamang driver na ito sa araw araw ko na biyahe pa sucat na 35 lang ang pamasahi ay biglang naging 45. Tama po ba un na baguhin ang pamasahi...na walang pag taas o pag baba sa gasolina..

Napakalaki naman po yata ng itinaas na mga penalties. Sang ayon po ako sa komento No. 28 Francis Ranollo. Hindi naman po maliit na halaga yan sa mga driver lalo at ang pagdadrive ang kanilang hanapbuhhay. Baka akala nyo po ay isa tayong napakaunlad na bansa na balewala ang libo libong penalty nio. Mas malaki pa ang penalty na defective brakelight 5000 pesos kesa sa reckless driving na 2000 ang 1st offense?
francis adam ranollo [Entry]

Concern lang po,parang napaka unresonable naman ng mga fees ng vi0lati0n ny0 ngaun,10k?5k?parang tingin ata namumul0t ng pera yung mga ta0.yes para magtanda o madala yung mga violator,per0 panu kung yung mahuli eh tip0ng hindi talaga kaya tubusin yung license nya s taas ng multa?panu na p0 yun?paalam lisensya na lang?just saying lang!0nly in the phil. Lng tlg!
Pilipina P. Bermudez [Entry]

What is the procedure undertaken when a driver hit a motorcycle, an accident which was caused by the motorcycle? The driver of the car was deemed positive for alcohol. What is the procedure undertaken to,establish that the driver was under the influence of alcohol? What if the driver of the motorcycle did not show up at the police station where the driver of the vehicle that hit the motorcycle was taken, and had waited for almost a day?
Randel john Cabigting [Entry]

Magkano po ang penalties kapag hindi natubos sa tamang panahon o oras ang driver license bukod sa amount ng penalties. example po driving without proper helmet 1500 for 1st offence plus yung penalties po pag hindi natubos agad.
rose [Entry]

ask ko lang po if magkanu pag isang taon mahigit na di natutubos ung lisensya ??? no helmet backride ung violation
lizel [Entry]

.hai.good evening po sir/ma'am tama po ba ang pagkuha ng traffic enforcer ganung muffler po ang problema ..agad po nilang kinuha ung motor ko para iimpound po sa munisipyo .. salamat po ...
Anthony Paz [Entry]

Good afternoon..My violation is disregarding traffic signs..How much will it cost if this happened last November 2015 and I haven't cleared this yet? Is there any penalties for the succeeding months? Please clarify & thank you...
William R. Binag [Entry]

can i ask how much fine of my violation put on my ticket s75 riding mc more than two abreas
john b. langaman [Entry]

good afternoon.. may i ask what is the penalty of "Failure to Carry Early Warning Device"EWD"? Some listing indicates P150 only but the LTO office here in our place demands P5,000. Please clarify us..

magtatanong lang po kung may alarm po ang licence ni ALBERT TALACTAC BOCALAN?
domingo chrisian b. [Entry]

my violation is "excess passenger (ATTA). how much is the fee
maribeth inocencio [Entry]

hi i was caught overspeeding at TIPLEX. How can i redeem my licence and how much the fee
Lawrence Isleta [Entry]

Is this the latest list?
Guest [Entry]

Lawrence Isleta, yes.
Christian Delfin [Entry]

Unauthorized Motor Vehicle Modification
This includes change in color and other unauthorized modifications of the standard manufacturer's specification not covered by the preceding section a.
as i've read this column. i would like to ask if i will violate this rule if my gear changer for brand new motorcycle is changed to rear set shifter including my muffler.
Rence [Entry]

How much is the fine on substandard side miror?
maritess lorilla [Entry]

how much is the fine on unregistered motorcycle?
maritess lorilla [Entry]

Good evening!

Id like ask regarding the LTO policy. Just for instance on their fine of unregistered motorcycle is their a possibility that the given fine will not the same as what they have given on the other municipality. thanks
nathaniel policarpio [Entry]

...how much is the fine of (no left turn.. At makati. Arnaiz ave. Cor evangelista... Hope you may response this message.. Thank you...
Merry joy barcenal [Entry]

Hi i just want to ask how much penalty for not wearing helmet
juarlin baiquin [Entry]

alejandrino c. bacaltos [Entry]

. what is STOP and GO signage? if it refers to EARLY WARNING DEVICE why change it when it is best understood.
. why NO FIRE EXTINGUISHER is a violation for non service business vehicles... land transportation services i think refers to vehicles being used for LAND TRANSPORTATION SERVICE BUSINESS.
. if a delivery panel have to be penalized why did LTO renew our registration without requiring a fire extinguisher when they can do so. why penalized when we were not being told first.
. there are so many government vehicles in our country without a fire extinguisher, why did they choose us randomly? if you penalize for that then apply it to all...
Tatonot B. Gani [Entry]

I have a motorcycle. I just want to know, what is the specific violation of defective brake light and no left side mirror? Is it motorcycle and truck the same level of penalties?
alvin olitres [Entry]

Hi Sir/Madam,

i just wanna ask if how much is the penalties of a driver,driving without his/her eyeglasses?
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