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DepEd reformulated the Policies and Guidelines on Training and Development (T&D) Programs and Activities

1. The Department of Education (DepEd) has reviewed and reformulated policy guidelines on designing training and development (T&D) programs and in conducting activities for the capacity and capability building of the DepEd personnel and staff. These policies are implemented in consonance with the existing policies and guidelines prepared by the Civil Service Commission (CSC), National Economic Development Authority (NEDA), Department of Budget and Management (DBM), Commission on Audit (COA), and this Department, among others. The following are the given definition and concept of T&D:
  1. Training and Development (T&D) is the process by which an organization or institution provides professional development activities to enhance individuals with knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable them to perform their functions effectively.
  2. Activities under this are trainings, seminars, workshops, conferences, scholarships and job-embedded learning. Conduct of these activities shall involve a systematic process of competence/needs assessment, planning, designing, resource development and the actual delivery of the programs.
2. The need to expedite the progress towards the achievement of the Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 is the main driver of training and development at each level. Anchored on these goals and on the principle of decentralization, the following professional T&D activities shall be integrated in the existing education development plans prepared at each level:
  1. The DepEd Central Office shall integrate the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) in the Central Office Master Plan for Professional Development (CO-MPPD);
  2. The Regional Offices shall integrate the Regional Educational Development Plan (REDP) in the Regional Office Master Plan for Professional Development (RO-MPPD);
  3. The Division Offices shall integrate the Division Educational Development Plan (DEDP) in the Division Office Master Plan for Professional Development (DO-MPPD); and
  4.  The School Heads shall integrate the Schools Improvement Plan (SIP) in the School Plan for Professional Development (SPPD).
3. In support of individual personnel development, which is an integral part of T&D, each office shall be responsible for ensuring the relevance and adequacy of T&D programs and activities for its respective personnel. Thus, the conduct of T&D activities in relation to ensuring organizational effectiveness, efficiency and maintaining systems or enabling environment shall be shared by the different levels. The following are the main functions and responsibilities of each level:
  1. Central Office (CO): standard setting, policy directions, competence/ needs assessment and conduct of T&D activities for CO target personnel based on CO-MPPD, technical assistance, quality-assurance and monitoring and evaluation (process observation of decentralized T&D activities) ;
  2. Regional Office (RO): competence/needs assessment and conduct of T&D activities for RO target personnel based on RO-MPPD, technical assistance, quality assurance, and monitoring and evaluation (process observation of Division T&D activities);
  3. Division Office (DO): competence/needs assessment and conduct of T&D activities for DO target personnel based on DO-MPPD, technical assistance, quality assurance and monitoring and evaluation (process observation of District and School T&D activities);
  4. District Office: support Division T&D activities ensuring transfer and application of T&D gains, quality assurance and monitoring and evaluation (process observation of School T&D activities); and
  5. Schools: competence/needs assessment and conduct of T&D activities for teachers and staff based on SPPDs integrated in the school improvement plans.
4.    The DepEd personnel are categorized as either teaching or non-teaching.
  1. Teaching personnel refers to all persons engaged in classroom teaching, in any level of instruction, on full-time basis, including guidance counselors, school librarians, industrial arts or vocational instructors, and all other persons performing supervisory and/or administrative functions in all schools, colleges and universities operated by the government or its political subdivisions; but this shall not include school nurses, school physicians, school dentists, and other school employees as defined in Republic Act No. 4670 entitled, "Magna Carta for Public School Teachers".
  2. Non-Teaching personnel are categorized as allied services personnel such as accountants, planning officers, human resource management officers (HRMOs), records officers, cashiers, budget officers, engineers, architects, dentists, school physicians, nutritionists, nurses, legal officers, etc. and other support personnel.
5. The Training and Development Standards shall be the bases for the following T&D programs and activities:

Personnel Category   Competency Standards and Tools
Teachers National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
NCBTS Teachers Strengths and Needs
  Assessment (NCBTS-TSNA)
School Heads National Competency-Based Standards for School
Heads (NCBS-SHs)
Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
Regional, Division and
District Supervisors
Competency Standards for Supervisor
Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
Non-Teaching Personnel Competency Standards for Non-Teaching
Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

6. The different types and delivery of T&D programs and activities are as follows:
  1. Trainings, seminars, workshops, conferences, scholarships and job-embedded learning shall be made available to all DepEd personnel with plantilla appointment. For personnel under Contract of Service (COS) and other non-permanent employees, their respective offices shall provide opportunities for job-embedded or workplace learning to upgrade their competencies.
  2. These trainings may be classified into long-term and short-term trainings.
    • (1)    The long-term trainings refer to Degree or Non-Degree Certificate Programs, which can be completed within six (6) months to (3) years. These include the credit-courses and graduate degree programs in different disciplines provided by the teacher education institutions (TEIs) or similar institutions such as the Centers of Excellence (COEs), SEAMEO INNOTECH among others. These shall be conducted during summers or throughout the year through distance learning programs or other accepted alternative delivery modes.
    • (2)    The short-term trainings focus on the development and enhancement of competencies as part of the implementation of SPPDs and/or the MPPDs based on the identified priority needs of the target personnel. An example of these is the training on the multi-grade, or multilingual-education. Such activities are provided to increase access to training to address the immediate needs of DepEd personnel who are not participating in long-term training programs.
  3. The implementation of the T&D activities shall be conducted at the different levels:
    • (1)    At the school level, attendance of school personnel to trainings, workshops and conferences shall be based on the teacher's Individual Plan for Professional Development (IPPD). Likewise, these T&D activities must be consistent with the School's Plan for Professional Development (SPPD) integrated in the SIP. Depending on the kind of T&D program or activity, school heads may request technical assistance from their division/district office or service providers such as training institutions and/or universities. Technical assistance shall be in the form of program designing, resource package development and actual program delivery. Budget for such activities shall come from the school's Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) or other local funds.
    • (2)    At the division level, trainings, workshops and conferences shall be conducted to respond to the competencies of the division office (DO) target personnel including those of school staff that cannot be addressed at the school level. These T&D activities must be consistent with the DO-MPPD. The designing, resource materials development and the conduct of these activities must be guided by the core principles of T&D and to be supported by the division or regional offices (ROs). Budget for such activities shall come from the DO's MOOE or other local funds.
    • (3)    At the regional level, the T&D activities shall be conducted to respond to competencies/needs of the RO target personnel including those of division staff that cannot be addressed at the division level. These T&D activities must be consistent with RO-MPPD. The designing, resource materials development and the conduct of these activities must be guided by the core principles of T&D and to be supported by service providers such as training institutions and universities/colleges identified by the ROs or CO. Budget for such activities shall come from the ROs MOOE or other local funds.
    • (4)    At the central office level, the T&D activities shall be conducted to respond to the competencies of the CO target personnel including those of regional staff that cannot be addressed at the regional level. These T&D activities must be consistent with the CO-MPPD. The designing, resource materials development and the conduct of these activities must be guided by the core principles of T&D and may be supported by service providers such as training institutions and universities/colleges identified by the Central Office. Budget for such activities shall come from the Central Office's MOOE or other funds. The Central Office may conduct T&D activities directly to teachers, school heads, and education supervisors of the regional, division and district levels and non-teaching personnel only on the following conditions: (a) policy or standard setting or program implementation; (b) modeling; (c) training of trainers (TOT); and (d) piloting of new programs and approaches.
    • Modeling is defined as a training delivery mode characterized by the provision of training design/template that contains the prescribed topics, competencies, contents, strategies, and duration. It also prescribes the criteria for the selection of trainers.
    • TOT is the establishment of a pool of experts to deliver extensive trainings of teachers. All TOT programs shall be supported by the provision of modules, training manuals, guides and handbooks. Accredited training providers, such as TESDA or learning institutions, e.g. Teacher Training Institutions (TEIs), and Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)-registered training providers who comply with the qualifications set by this Department, may be engaged by the Central Office to conduct identified TOT programs. TOT programs that can be accredited for graduate units shall be prioritized.
    • Piloting of new programs and approaches initiated by the Central Office to the field levels shall be aligned to the Department's reforms and directions. The pilot implementation shall follow a systematic process that includes monitoring and evaluation, results of which shall be utilized for developing policies for wider implementation.
    • (5)    International trainings, workshops and conferences may be offered to concerned DepEd personnel through existing projects that have the aforementioned components or through special invitations.
    • (6)    T&D programs and activities in line with the new government thrusts shall be done before the opening of classes. Offices involved shall work towards providing integrated activities such as the (a) Orientation on new programs or projects; and (b) Introduction of newly-developed manuals.
    • (7) The National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) shall manage the development and implementation of the training plan for school heads and supervisors following the curriculum content or specifications incorporated in the CO-MPPD.
      • (a)    Training institutions may be engaged by NEAP to provide technical assistance in the form of program designing, resource materials development and the actual program delivery.
      • (b)    Other training needs for school heads and supervisors identified in the RO and DO MPPDs that cannot be addressed by these levels shall be endorsed to NEAP.
      • (c)    The NEAP shall evaluate these needs, develop integrated training programs, identify service providers as required, and recommend the appropriate T&D activity for approval by the management. Once approved, the NEAP shall manage the conduct of these trainings. Budget for such activities shall come from the NEAP budget.
    • (8) The Department's Staff Development Division-Human Resource Development Service (SDD-HRDS) shall coordinate the conduct of trainings for non-teaching personnel following the content or specifications incorporated in the CO-MPPD.
      • (a)    Other training needs identified in the RO and DO MPPDs that cannot be addressed at these levels shall be endorsed to SDD-HRDS.
      • (b)    The SDD-HRDS shall evaluate these needs, develop integrated training programs, and recommend appropriate T&D activity for approval by the management.
      • (c)    It will only conduct trainings for Central Office personnel and only for purposes of modeling or training of trainers at the regional and division levels.
      • (d)    Trainings or seminar-workshops involving field personnel shall be provided with technical assistance by SDD. Budget for such activities shall come from the SDD-HRDS budget.
7. All invitations for local and foreign scholarships for both teaching and non-teaching personnel shall be forwarded to SDD-HRDS. This Office shall serve as the Scholarship Secretariat. Its roles include the following: (a) receiving of invitations from sponsoring agencies/donor countries; (b) dissemination of such invitations or information; (c) initial screening of nominations re documents and credentials; and (d) scheduling of screening and maintenance of database.
  1. The criteria for screening of nominees shall consider (1) age, (2) length of service, (3) employment status, (4) performance rating, and (5) service obligation, and shall include having no pending service requirement from previous scholarship attended.
  2. Final decisions on scholarship grants shall be made by the DepEd Scholarship Committees per DepEd Order Nos. 13 and 31, s. 2007 or succeeding issuances. All grantees are subject to scholarship contracts specifying service obligation, agreements and other responsibilities during and after the scholarship duration.
  3. The existing Regional and Division Screening Committees shall submit the names of their nominees for the different fields of study every first week of January. These nominees shall be considered in the pool of candidates whenever a scholarship program is available.
8. Capability Building for implementers of the T&D programs and activities shall be provided for key personnel across all levels to support the effective implementation of the T&D programs and activities, which are as follows:
  1. competency/needs assessment;
  2. planning, designing, resource development; and
  3.  actual conduct of    trainings, seminars, workshops, conferences, scholarships and job-embedded learning.
9. The NEAP in collaboration with the SDD-HRDS, and other designated offices under the Office of the Undersecretary for Programs and Projects, shall be the lead office in planning and managing the provision of the capability building programs at the central and regional levels. The ROs shall be responsible for the capability building of the Division and School T&D Implementers.

10. The budget for the capability building programs shall come from DepEd Central Office's MOOE and/or Human Resource Development and Training (HRDT) Funds.
  1. The budget allocation for T&D programs and activities shall be determined by the DepEd Management depending on the availability of funds.
  2. The budget allocations for each level (central, region, division, district, and schools) shall also be determined by the Management and guided by the T&D activities and budget estimate in the SPPD/MPPD at various levels.
  3. Trainings and scholarships may either be fully-funded or co-shared by DepEd with its personnel: (1) fully-funded T&D activities mean DepEd pays for tuition fee, miscellaneous expenses, allowances or stipend; and (2) co-shared trainings are those trainings in which DepEd pays for tuition fee only.
  4. Allocation through stipends, vouchers or other forms shall be awarded to both teaching and non-teaching personnel to give them the professional autonomy in selecting T&D activities within the framework of approved programs, competency assessments and IPPDs.
11.  A Training Passbook for listing priority training needs and corresponding T&D activities attended shall be accomplished by the DepEd personnel. Each head of office such as school head for school-based T&D activities, or by the Director or Coordinator for other level T&D activities shall sign the Training Passbook for accountability purposes. Please see enclosure.

12.  Accounting and monitoring and evaluation shall be essential requirements. Each head of office at the central, region, division, or school levels, shall be proactive stewards of T&D programs, and their involvement shall include the following:
  1. Management of T&D activities based on priorities in the SPPDs or MPPDs of each office in collaboration with the training institutions, NEAP, and/or SDD-HRDS;
  2. Practice of equitable access to T&D activities for all personnel;
  3. Use of systematic mechanisms for transfer of technology;
  4. Maximizing training gains;
  5. Maintenance of records or database on training; and
  6. Submission of reports following the prescribed schedule or deadlines.
13.  The Regional Office shall be responsible for ensuring that the T&D activities undertaken both in the school and division levels respond to the teachers, school heads and other staff's perceived needs, and are consistent with the schools' SPPDs and divisions' MPPDs.

14.  The Division Office shall prepare reports on T&D activities and submit these to the Regional Office, which shall in turn consolidate reports for submission to Central Office. All Central Office initiated T&D activities shall be consolidated by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Programs and Projects supported by the NEAP, SDD-HRDS and other designated offices.

15.  The Department's Office of Planning Service (OPS) shall take charge of consolidating all T & D activities which will be a part of the Training and Development Information System (TDIS), and which shall be integrated into the Human Resource Information System (HRIS). Likewise, the DepEd National Reports on Trainings and Development (T&D) shall be prepared by the OPS.

16.  For clarifications, please contact the Office of Undersecretary for Programs and Projects at telephone no.: (02) 687-4146. - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"DepEd reformulated the Policies and Guidelines on Training and Development (T&D) Programs and Activities" was written by Mary under the Philippine Government category. It has been read 47620 times and generated 0 comments. The article was created on and updated on 31 March 2011.
Total comments : 5
elena jarito [Entry]

kindly send me information about NEAP training for school heads scheduled this summer of 2013. thank you po!
mary ann b. henson [Entry]

please inform me if there is possible neap training . thanks and godbless

Kindly send me information about NEAP Trainings for school heads scheduled this summer 2012. Thanks and God Bless
malapit na akun ma praning [Entry]

magkano ba ang babayaran para maka pasa sa exam?

Kindly send me information about NEAP Trainings for school heads scheduled this summer 2012. Thanks and God Bless