Menopause is the term used to describe the end of a person's menstrual cycles. It is determined after the person has gone 12 months without a menstrual period.The three stages of menopause are: perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause.Perimenopause, also known as menopausal transition, refers to the body's natural transition to menopause.Menopause typically occurs when a person is in their 40s or 50s
Should employers be concerned about menopause?
Menopause symptoms may be cognitive, physical, and psychological (for example, hot flushes, muscle aches, poor concentration, anxiety, and headaches), so effects in the workplace may include fatigue, lower energy, lower productivity, and lower attendance. However, for others, there may be an impact on health, performance, and attendance.
What concerns related to menopause can an organization help with?
In order to respectfully address concerns about menopause, employers and employees should collaborate. Organizations may: Educate and train all employees to speak openly about menopause without stigma (to self or others), understand how menopause affects the individual's physical and mental health, how to address it sensitively and fairly, etc. Provide awareness and education about menopause.
What can people do to assist?
Menopause is a normal and temporary stage of life; not everyone experiences the same symptoms in the same way. Symptoms like feeling irritable, having trouble concentrating, and losing your memory are temporary. To talk to your manager or human resources about services and supports that may be available When speaking to your manager, be prepared, indicate that you would like to talk about services and supports.""" -