First of all, it should be easy to use. Ease of use is one of the most important features of any small business softwere.
Secondly it ought to provide your customers what they want - a relatively easy way to get answers to their queries. If it consistently does not give them the answers they are looking for they will simply stop using it.
Thirdly it should make it possible for your support staff to give answers rapidly. Assuming they know the answers, you certainly don't want your software standing in the way of efficiently responding to customer queries.
Fourth, it is very important that it keep track of inquiries correctly. This is useful to provide a history of queries from different people.
Fifth, it should be tightly integrated with a knowledge base system that anticipates common questions and answers so support staff don't have to reply to the same questions over and over again.
And sixth, your service desk software ought to give you a history of specific queries which clients can access without involvement from support staff.
Buying a help desk software package can increase your customers' satisfaction and their intention to carry on business with you. In absence of this program, staff can be easily burdened by support calls and emails.
There are a mammoth numerate of serve help desk software programs that can be used by businesses. Surely you should try to find the best one. If we didn't have any information about it yet, we should search for some info first. Perhaps, clicking some sites and reading some reviews on those sites would give us some chances to be able to choose the perfect desk software options.