The Board of Directors has the ultimate responsibility for all risks taken by the Bank. It regularly reviews and approves the institution's tolerance for risks, as well as, the business strategy and risk philosophy of the Bank. It takes the lead in disseminating the institution's risk philosophy and control culture throughout the organization. It approves strategies and implementing policies affecting the management of all types of risks relating to the Bank's activities. It sets the risk-based organizational structure that will implement and ensure the effectiveness of the overall risk control system of the Bank. Towards this end, it is regularly updated on developments that could materially affect the Bank's liquidity position or the value of its resources. Likewise, the Board is responsible for overseeing the investment and credit activities of the Bank.
The Board of Directors has created committees tasked with key functions in the over-all risk framework of the Bank. The Risk Management Committee (RMC) is responsible for the development and oversight of the Bank's risk management program. The Executive Committee (EXCOM) has responsibility over the approval processes of the Bank's loans and investments, property-related proposals, as well as, other credit-related issues over a prescribed amount delegated by the Board of Directors. The Asset and Liability Committee (ALCO) is tasked with managing the Bank's balance sheet and off-balance sheet activities, maintaining adequate liquidity, ensuring sufficient capital and appropriate funding to meet all business requirements within regulatory limits.
The Bank operates an integrated risk management system to address the risks it faces in its banking activities, including credit, market, liquidity, and operational risks. The Bank's Risk Management Committee has overall responsibility for the Bank's risk management systems and sets risk management policies across the full range of risks to which the Bank is exposed. The Risk Management Committee is a Board-Level committee composed of three members of the Board of Directors including an independent director and the President.
The Risk management Group (RMG) is mandated to adequately and consistently evaluate, manage, control, and monitor the overall risk profile of the Bank's activities across the different risk areas (i.e. credit, market, liquidity, and operational risks) to optimize the risk-reward balance and maximize return on capital. (Source: BDO SEC Form 17-A)