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Demystifying the Holy Trinity
JoelVasquezDate: Sunday, 31 July 2011, 8:56 AM | Message # 1
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Thousands perhaps millions of man-hours, money and effort have been lost because of this "mystery" endless discussions- At a certain point in my life-I was also confused about the concept. This is one of the many favorite "flaws" that others are throwing at catholics- but allow me to share my understanding of this concept.

Many have come up with their analogy but two of my favorites that I borrowed and are:

a. The Holy Trinity is like the Sun - (God), the rays(radiation) - reaching out to you (visuals-Jesus Christ) - and the heat that you feel(is the Holy Spirit). Energy transformation - that again follows the laws of physics-thermodynamics. 3 different forms of energy - from the same source but different "purpose and functionality". In fact, ancients worshipped the sun - because of it's life giving power - they knew that if you hid the plant from the sun, it will die - simple logic will told them that the plant-sun are connected.

b. Water-vapor-ice- 3 different states of life-giving-matter, different purpose, can also exist at the tripple point - where vapor/solid/liquid simultaneously exist; H20 - it's chemical formula is God, visual - ice or water (JC) and vapor/gas (Holy Spirit) This are 3 different states/forms of matter existing but at different energy levels.

For God to be man (transformation) He had to take a nano-nano-nano particle of Hhimself (ultra low level energy-perhaps) and "insert it"-impregnate-through the power of the Holy Spirit - Before JC left - He told His apostles - that in His absence He will send the Holy Spirit (vapor - gas - "wind") to take over. The Holy Spirit has a special function and operates at a different level of energy- That means, the "wind" has greater and faster coverage compared to JC in the human form.

This brings to mind that indeed - understanding the science/principles of matter and energy - you will be amaze at the how the super-natural world works. It took me quite some time before I was able to really understand and appreciate how the "mystery" works. For now, this is what I have come up with to the best of my understanding but perhaps someday there are even much more better "metaphors" out there and waiting to surface...so let go and release that "energy"...share...
adminDate: Sunday, 31 July 2011, 5:40 PM | Message # 2
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You have a great idea and understanding of what Holy Trinity is. You made it very simple to understand. And now I'm enlightened with your ideas again.

I'm very curious and I'm confused. I don't know much about Holy Trinity. Based on my understanding, the idea of the Trinity is that God, Jesus Christ and the Holy spirit are one. But in what way are they one? Are they one of being God? Meaning to say, is Jesus Christ and the Holy spirit are also Gods?

Quote (JoelVasquez)
For God to be man (transformation)
Does God allow Himself to transform from one matter into a different matter (from being spiritual into material)? I couldn't recall clearly what I've read from the Bible that it says there that God is unchangeable. Does it contradict with the Bible if God allows Himself to transform into a man?

Could you give us more enlightenment regarding this?
JoelVasquezDate: Sunday, 31 July 2011, 7:21 PM | Message # 3
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We are composed of body, mind and spirit. These are 3 distinct components and each have their own properties and operating characteristics. The body is the hardware and soul/spirit can be likened to the person operating the computer-the intelligence, that is inserted into the body(downloaded), the mind is another type of operating system. Just as the heart. There are spiritual components therein and should not be confused with the "material-organ-heart" or the "brain". The transformation of "God" is only in "spirit" form. The body-material is just the "costume", being born of the Virgin Mary.

Thus the hardware(body) of JC, was just like any other body, but the "resident-software" on the hardware is different. These is where the great confusion comes in when people discuss whether Jesus is man or Jesus is God. Think of it like the PC using a Unix-Linux as the OS instead of Windows. It can have the same hardware but the OS is different.

The "Spirit of God" was a reduced/transformed "energy-form" version to enable it to "fit"(to be downloaded) into the human form. Thus, JC has the spirit of God, and think of it, like a hands-on director,(playing coach) playing the role to set the examples clearly, and when HE was done with his role-play, HE said - "IT IS FINISHED" - just like the ending of the movie - "THE END" In other words, HIS role-play was done. That is the greatest story ever told in actual play-run and managed by the supreme director himself.

So I hope that answers your question - regarding spiritual transformation - the body of JC was really a material body - only the spirit was a downgraded version. By being in the "costume" it is obvious that God knows what it is to be human and endure suffering, hunger, thirst. The body of JC was badly mangled and damaged - but as long as the "resident" software is inside - it continue to function. ( Something like a Zombie) Death comes permanent when the resident software (spirit) leaves the body. Just like the PC, remove the OS - even it is on - it cannot do anything.

Soul and spirit is not the same and technically NOT interchangeable. Think of the soul as the different application programs while the spirit is the operating system. The OS manages the different components of the application programs.

That is also the reason, why we are required to love God with our whole heart, whole mind, whole strength(body) and whole soul - because these are distinct components, they can be working together or they can be in conflict. Just like the saying - the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak...on the other hand, there are people who have survived difficult times because of their fighting spirit - many documentaries are shown "I SURVIVED"

Added (31-July-2011, 7:21 PM)
Quote (JoelVasquez)
I'm very curious and I'm confused. I don't know much about Holy Trinity. Based on my understanding, the idea of the Trinity is that God, Jesus Christ and the Holy spirit are one. But in what way are they one? Are they one of being God? Meaning to say, is Jesus Christ and the Holy spirit are also Gods?

Chemical formula of water/vapor/ice is still H20. The common denominator is that the chemical composition of water/vapor/ice is the same but can exist in different forms and function.

a. Water is still H20 but is fluid, tangible and visible medium level of energy
b. Vapor is still H20 but is not visible when absorb by air and exist all around us. High level of energy
c. Ice is still H20 is visible and tangible, Low level of energy

Hope that clarifies the concept further.

Message edited by JoelVasquez - Sunday, 31 July 2011, 7:49 PM
adminDate: Sunday, 31 July 2011, 10:12 PM | Message # 4
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Now, it's getting clearer. WOW! Holy Trinity is all about oneness isn't it? And we, human beings are just part of God who created all things. And all things are interrelated to each other. Like the systems of our human body, if one part of our system (for example our respiratory system) fails or malfunctions, the other systems will be affected.
JoelVasquezDate: Monday, 01 August 2011, 7:07 AM | Message # 5
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Quote (JoelVasquez)
Now, it's getting clearer. WOW! Holy Trinity is all about oneness isn't it? And we, human beings are just part of God who created all things. And all things are interrelated to each other. Like the systems of our human body, if one part of our system (for example our respiratory system) fails or malfunctions, the other systems will be affected.

You got it right - oneness - we are all part of the universe, the basic composition boils down to understanding the basic components - just like the atom, (electron-micro-world), behaves just like the planets,...the atoms in my body consist of the same particles and elements in your body, like a lego-toy, it is how you mix and match, plug-play and combine them creatively that can result in something extra-ordinary from these ordinary parts. The atomic structure of water, ice and vapor/steam/gas is still the same. Our spirit(residing in our body) is configured/structured/ differently - from the spriit of God/Son/HolySpirit - and it is very important for people to understand that the intelligence resides in the spirit not in the body(hardware). We(our spirit) were created as a mix-match, thus we were created in his "image" that is not the material image but the spiritual or "virtual image". There are also different versions-upgrades of "spirits" - just like the software. To simplify this complex(spirit) concept, think of it like the development of DOS or even before DOs, presently what we have now is WINDOWS and evolving...
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