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Can a rich man enter the gates of heaven?
JoelVasquezDate: Friday, 22 July 2011, 8:16 AM | Message # 1
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It is written that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle, than a rich man to enter the gates of heaven, in other words, it is utterly impossible scenario to happen, don't even think about it.

Power(Energy) and richness could be interchangeable. With great power comes great responsibility(from spiderman). Bill Gates and other mega-rich and super-rich, have foundations, supporting charitable institutions, etc., to "give-back", would this be acceptable works of charity - creditable in heaven?

Blessed at the meek, the poor, the oppressed, the widows, etc., there rewards await in heaven, would it be fair to them (would it make sense)to allow the "rich-man" to be sitting on equal levels with them in heaven? What do you think?
adminDate: Friday, 22 July 2011, 8:37 AM | Message # 2
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Can a rich man enter the gates of heaven?

Big YES. It's clearly proven in Biblical history. Most people that are chosen by God to lead his children were rich or abundant in resources. Abraham, Jacob, and Job? They had such vast land and large number of animals they owned. Moses, King David, and many more. But there's a transition happening during the time of Christ.

As long a the rich man follow the rules of God, he can enter the kingdom of heaven.

But during our time right now, it's really hard for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven. Most of the rich men are preoccupied with the material things here in Earth. In their minds, they might think that they don't need God anymore because they already have rich resources they need.

Not only for the rich man, but also for the smartest people in the world. If I'm not mistaken, I think most of them believe that God didn't create the universe and God doesn't exist.

I wonder if there's any survey about how many richest and smartest people in the world believe in God.
JoelVasquezDate: Friday, 29 July 2011, 7:00 PM | Message # 3
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I have been pondering on this question for sometime and my thoughts are that, indeed it is utterly impossible to enter the kingdom of heaven if you are rich. However, after looking for a way around this, I think I have an idea how to enter the kingdom of heaven yet still be rich. It is a "technical-solution", and that could only be acheive if you are able to help as much people become rich. Being poor or giving to the poor is not the solution - as there will always be poor. - poor in mind, body and spirit. However, you can help people acheive richness in life, mind and spirit;

In effect, if we are all rich - because of sharing, caring and helping one another - then we can enjoy the full glory of God's creation, and all go to heaven while having enjoyed the best things in life while we are on this earth.

The Philippines for example a very very very rich country, and there is no need for people to be poor and be in poverty - the only way a rich man can be rich and go to heaven is to help other people so all are rich - since no one is poor - then we can all move up...is it possible that we can all be rich...? yes, because there is so much richness in this country - unfortunately, 20% of the people gets 80% of the wealth and 80 % gets 20%. This uneven distribution of wealth makes life in this country miserable ...
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