Many people think that the only way to communicate is through the process of speaking...hhmmpp...They have a point there but I guess people at times forget that there are communication that would make the world a better place... 3 kinds of communication
1st. ART- Is the oldest and the most unique way of expression the so vague but could really make the human heart wander..So for those people who loves art.. are the people who have a wide kind of love not only for themselves but for the love of life...Art is an Heart in order to communicate with the special someone why don't you try to do ART..
2nd. MUSIC-Is the most common and very stylish way of communication it can be done in many variations that a person wants to express nor portray..Music usually defined as the Gate way of the Soul...A person who loves music are the people who use there soul to express their heart..Even though we human express Music in different languages..and there are times we tend to listen music nor song with different languages but we still tend to feel the heart and the lyrics of the singer and the composer that after hearing those Music will always resonate in our whole being...That's the reason that Music is the most powerful way of communications..For those people who are very romantic..why don't you try the ART and MUSIC.
3rd. FOOD- Is the most common need of human in order to survive...But we human sometimes missed the good purpose of food...Food is not only satisfying once stomach but food can also heal our heart and can balance our Soul.. But take note also that if we over use the food it will not also good to our we need the moderation to it...But I consider that food is the best medication and can open up to one's communication.. The Food will balance the Heart and Soul it is sometimes called the Moderator.. For those people who loves food are the people who have the sense of moderation...they were the people who appreciate love and peace...Food can be very artistic nor can be use as a serenade to those people heart who's having difficulties in communications.
**** I guess I already enumerate the 3 ways of Communication...I do hope you would also share your that we could help the others to develop themselves in terms of communication...For those people who have this criteria will also develop Self-confidence and can feel the sense of self-worth...***
ART is Music and Music is ART..same as Heart and Soul are connected and by the help of food this will help to make a person cheer-up and make their lives more colorful and wonderful...