Before answering that, you should understand why we are where we are. The reality of the big picture, let's get out of the forest to see the mountain.
What is happening to our country is not due to technical deficiency of the majority of the Filipino people. We can make a change and we can do it and correct the wrong impression of MLQ. These country is governed by 1% and 9% that feed on them. These 1% can easily manipulate the rest because of money. The 30% of this country is quite hopeless for now and they dance to the tune of the 10%. The intellectual 60% like you and me are seemingly hopeless to do anything because we are divided, fragmented, politically, socially, economically, regionally, etc., This is where the 1% is able to exploit the rest of the country because the 60% are fragmented.
The Philiippines is a very very very very very rich country, no Filipino should be poor and go hungy, it is because 80% of the wealth goes to 20% - with the lower 30% almost nothing in them - sheer hopelessness and resigned to damnation. No Filipino should leave the country, as the wealth here is more than enough for every 90million Filipinos. If you look at the millions and billions of money that is squandered/plundered by the few, will make you conclude that there is more than enough money for everyone. We do not need to produce modern slaves - enslaved in other countries, drug mules, super maids.
All these happen because of the divisivness of the 60% of the middle-intellectuals that are now in their comfort zone oblivious to the suffering of the lower 30%. Included in this 60% are the church leaders who are suppose to protect and guide the flock of JC, teach and preach his way of life and live the life JC as instructed to do. This compounds the gravity of the divisiveness, thus many religions sprouted and using this weakness of the mainstream to further divide the country. Now the focus of the religious teaching is to save himself and ingratiate himself with JC and how to go to heaven. Each of these religious groups promises that they have the right way, and leaving the catholics as the laughing stock, ridiculed because our church leaders really don't care about members as there is more than enough to support the donations. There is a captive market - catholics plus they just sleep with the enemy(politicians) and blackmail the politicians. So politicians and church leaders sing the same song, dance to the music and let the good samaritan do the job and clean up their mess. This is very obvious and sickening-nauseating during election time.
But not all hope is lost, if only 1% of the 90% is enough to change and effect a change. United the 1% intellectuals with the present technology now available can indeed produce radical changes, changes that if indeed each one of this 1%. I truly believe that 1% can make the Philippines another Singapore in 6 years.Added (21-July-2011, 12:34 PM)
In many forums, if you observe the different inputs and many many good ideas yet, most of the discussions just run around in circles, leading to nowhere, for some at least they have done their part, in posting something. Event at Yahoo - forum or other current events - always blame the government and all others for the plunder, corruption and the economic instability (leads to jobs instability) in this country.
There is no doubt that at least 50% of those participating recognize the problems, aware of the probems and critical about the problem. But it is all done in written words, and if we continue that way, within the next thousand years - we will still be talking of the same problems, same issues, same direction and the same traps because we are still using the same route-same road and fall to the same trap.
If we are to change things, we have to make new roads, new processes, new procedures and new way of thinking. Think outside the box. There are so many brillant minds, ideas and contributions that go to waste, apart from the precious time, that is all lost because what of the vicious cycle that they are trapped into the discussions, etc., etc., leading to nothing.
Most of the discussions are like the 3 blind mice trying to describe the elephant. The 3 blind mice, were put into the different parts of the elephant and was asked to describe the elephant. Each one obviously had a different "visualization" of how the elephant looked like. The mice - thought the elephant was a trunk of the tree(legs), the other argued the elephant was like a snake(tail), the 3rd blind mice argued vigorously that the elephant was a bird(ears-flapping). Each one-mice is trying to describe the elephant in his own perception arguing day-in and day out that his perception of the elephant is the most accurate and correct.
We are like that blind mice (3) using our sense of touch, and base on previous exposure and experience, best tries to describe what the elephant looks like and because of the 3 different interpretations all these 3 mice are trapped in a quicksand - quagmire of discussion not knowing how to get out of it. We have to learn to take the shoes and thinking hat of the next guy - because we are not mice and learn to see the big picture. If not, apart from being the sheep to the slaughterhouse, we will be one of the 3 blind mice, always thinking we have the best solution, best perception and know-how, the rest are just dumb-dumbs..
This is the new direction, newthinking and vicious cycle we have to break and get out of so we can create a stable country and secure jobs and bright future.