What's the 8.5 x 13 in mm (millimeter)?
8.5 inches x 13 inches is equivalent to 215.9 mm x 330.2 mm:
- 215.9 mm is the width (equivalent to 8.5 inches)
- 330.2 mm is the height (equivalent to 13 inches)
How did we come-up with those conversion? Let's find out.
It's so easy to convert inches into millimeter (mm). We are going to use Google's own measurement unit converter tool.
Just go to google.com and search inch to mm. And Google will instantly show you the answer.
In the photo above, I wanted to convert 8.5 inches into millimeters. The result is 215.9 mm.
On the other hand, if we enter 13 inches, the result is 330.2 mm.
That's how we arrive 215.9 mm x 330.2 mm.
Take note that the 8.5" x 13" is the long bond paper size.
Therefore, the long bond paper size in millimeters is 215.9 mm x 330.2 mm.
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/
On the other hand, if we enter 13 inches, the result is 330.2 mm.
That's how we arrive 215.9 mm x 330.2 mm.
Take note that the 8.5" x 13" is the long bond paper size.
Therefore, the long bond paper size in millimeters is 215.9 mm x 330.2 mm.