The ATM Card Number is the identification number that can be found printed or embossed in an ATM Card. It is sometimes required to be entered when purchasing online.
Each ATM Card has different card number.
Take note: The ATM Card Number is not a bank account number.
ATM Card Number is usually found at the middle part of an ATM Card like what you can see in the photo below:
The ATM Card Number is emphasized in the card. It's printed in large font size. While the Account Number is printed in small font size.
The ATM Card Number is always printed in the ATM Card.
Bank Account Number
This is the very important number used in transacting in the bank. When you deposit or withdraw inside the bank, the bank account number is required to be filled-up in the deposit or withdrawal slip.
You can see the bank account number in the photo above. It's located just below the name (Account Name). Sometimes the bank account number is not printed in the ATM card.
You, as a bank accountholder, is identified by your bank account number.
So, don't ever used the ATM Card Number as your Account Number. They're different.
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