The former is in closed structure and the latter is in semi-open structure.
The reason why the efficiency of the semi-open type is low is the problem of radial returning flow and axial slipping flow.
The BF flotation machine overcomes the problem of radial returning flow and axial slipping flow, which make the impellers get a much larger absorbing strength with a low rotary speed.
The energy consumption is reduced and within the flotation cell, double circular, large absorbing amount, and low energy consumption are suitable for the course flotation, so the BF flotation separator is widely used.
The flotation machines’ transformation is divided into 4 steps.
The first step is transforming the third flotation system’s flotation machines which locates in the south part of separation workshop.
After getting satisfied technology index, we start the second step which is using the BF-1 flotation from the third flotation system replace the JJF flotation machines of the forth flotation system.
The third step is transforming the second flotation system’s flotation machines which locate in the north part of separation workshop.
The fourth step is using the BF-1 flotation from the second flotation system replace the JJF flotation machines of the first flotation system.
After adopting BF-T flotation machines, the separating equipments run stably, the high of pulp is easily adjusted, and the index of flotation is proved.
Currently, our domestic flotation machine can basically meet the different requirements of ore selective factories.According to the type of ore, it can deal with non-ferrous metals, precious metals, ferrous metals and non-metallic.
As for the size of the ore selective factory, it can be used by factories whose daily processing ability is under ten tons.
In terms of granularity, it can separate normal sized ore as well as course ore.
Flotation machines can be used in course separation, sweeping separation, fine separation and milling cycle.