Ball mill is equipped with the crusher, which can play a grinding function, increasing production and energy utilization. The crusher is beneficial from improving the economic and social benefits of building materials, mining, metallurgy enterprises in terms of energy saving, high efficiency. With the further improvement of the product design and manufacturing and further improvement of product quality, the crusher is gradually applied in the industrial production.
Relevant research indicates that the rare earth elements added carbide is able to strengthen the hardness and the bond, and clean grain boundaries, and thus it plays a role to improve the fracture toughness, flexural strength and hardness results. Lithotripsy machine dial material can choose the hard alloy by adding rare earth elements, its design should be based primarily on the incentive of impact failure and take into account the problem of cutting wear.
According to the crusher structure and working principle, the suitable speed of inner dial and outer drum are important conditions to ensure the normal operation of the crusher. The inner turntable speed is necessary to meet with enough impact force, and to ensure that the production, but also to avoid the critical speed of the inner dial to avoid resonance. The dial plate hammer of gravel machine withstands the strong impact with high-frequency, which requires high toughness, in order to avoid mechanical rupture.
The crusher equipment has a unique mechanism and structural design characteristics, Through several performance tests, we find that crusher equipment has good effect on improving material crushing effect, controlling particle size and reducing energy consumption.
Henan Hongxing Mining Machinery Co., Ltd is a large-sized vibrating screens, elevator bucket manufacturer, and the mining equipment we researched and developed with great concentration plays an active role in the mining and ore beneficiation industry and is one of the indispensable mining crushing equipment in the mining industry. -