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Guidelines on the Utilization of the 2011 Intervention Funds for the Redesigned/Strengthened Technical-Vocational Education Programs (STVEP)

In response to the demands of the global economy to continuously produce a new generation of high skilled workforce and equip the high school students with relevant competencies, foundation skills and qualification needed for their entry in the field of work or venture into entrepreneurship, the Department of Education (DepEd) is continuously providing the 282 Tech-Voc schools which are implementing the Strengthened Technical and Vocational (Tech-Voc) Education Program (STVEP) with intervention funds to support the following program components:
a. Provision for the Construction of New Multipurpose Laboratory Workshops/Facilities for Arts and Trades, Agriculture and Fishery Schools
282 Tech-Voc Schools
b. Provision for Competency Assessment Subsidy (CAS)
Graduating Students in the 282 Tech-Voc Schools
c. Capability Building Program
Tech-Voc Implementers/Practitioners
d. Curriculum Development
Tech-Voc Education Task Force Office with Tech-Voc Implementers/Practitioners
e. Other Tech-Voc Education Task Force-led Operations/Activities
Tech-Voc Education Task Force Office

The Guidelines on the Allocation of the 2011 Intervention Funds for the Redesigned/Strengthened Technical-Vocational Education Program (STVEP) is contained in the Enclosure.

These guidelines shall serve as the basis for the allocation, release, utilization and reporting of the said intervention funds.


1. Purpose and Coverage
•    The goal of a technical-vocational education program is to provide opportunities for the secondary education graduates to acquire the necessary competencies and qualifications to enable them to pursue college education, post-secondary education, venture into entrepreneurship, or be directly absorbed in the world of work. It is in this premise that the Department of Education (DepEd) has implemented the Strengthened Technical-Vocational Education Program (STVEP) in 282 tech-voc public secondary schools across the country using a competency/industry-based curriculum developed in close coordination with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).

•    In order to support its implementation, the DepEd through the Tech-Voc Task Force Office is providing various intervention strategies which include the downloading of funds for the new construction of multipurpose laboratory workshops, initial provision of competency assessment subsidy, capability building program for tech-voc teachers and practitioners, curriculum development/enhancement and other Techvoc Task Force-led operations/activities.

•    For Fiscal year 2011, a major part of the Intervention Fund will be allocated for the construction of new workshop laboratories. This is to further improve the current situation of workshop rooms of the 282 schools which are generally classrooms converted into workshops and below the standard workshop facilities requirement of the training regulations and therefore, are less conducive for learning and hands-on activities of the students.
2. Program Components/Strategies, its Description and Budget Allocation
2.1 Provision for the Construction of New Multipurpose Laboratory Workshops for Arts and Trades, Agriculture and Fishery Schools
•    The new construction of laboratory workshops is meant to address the shortage of functional workshop facilities which are crucial in the application of the acquired concepts and theories, hands-on activities of the students enrolled under the STVEP.

•    Each techvoc school is required to submit a project proposal (business plan) which focuses on the new construction of multipurpose laboratory workshops with complete work plan and corresponding budgetary estimate.

•    A tech-voc structure/facility can be an arts and trades workshop building, food laboratory building, nursery, greenhouse or fish pond or other structure that meets at least the minimum requirements/specifications of a techvoc school. Its structural plan or blue print should be prepared and signed by a licensed government Civil Engineer with valid Professional Tax Receipt (PTR) available in the school/field office or in the Local Government Unit.

•    Following the criteria set in evaluating the project proposal; the Techvoc Task Force Office is responsible for evaluating its feasibility and deciding on the amount of fund to be allocated per school to cover the new construction.

•    The DepEd Techvoc Task Force allocates a total amount of Four Hundred Nineteen Million Three Hundred Sixty Eight Thousand, Nine Hundred Ninety Five Pesos (P419,368,995.00) as an Intervention Fund for the construction of new multipurpose laboratory workshops for the 282 schools implementing the STVEP. Allocation per specialization is broken down as follows:

Area of Specialization
No. of Schools
Amount Allocated
Arts and Trades
Php 234,000,000.00

•    The mode of implementation fo for the co constructionproject may be undertaken either through administration or by contract, provided that such modes are in accordance with the provisions of RA 9184. Schools without fiscal autonomy shall closely coordinate with the DepEd Division Office for the release and utilization of fund.

•    The recipient schools with or without fiscal autonomy may implement the project by administration. However, schools without autonomy shall closely coordinate with the Division Offices for the release and utilization of fund for said project.
2.2 Provision for Competency Assessment Subsidy (CAS)
•    This provision is meant to augment the financial requirements of the 282 techvoc schools in terms of assessing the competencies of their students in the various areas of techvoc specializations. The CAS is given to 4th year graduating high school students to determine whether the graduates can perform the skills expected in the workplace based on the defined competency standards of the industry.

•    The allocation of CAS has been determined using the third-year enrolment submitted by the 282 tech-voc schools for SY 2009-2010. For SY 2010-2011, the assessment expenses of the fourth year graduating students will be subsidized by the DepEd Techvoc Task Force to partly cover the cost of the pre-assessment, supplies and materials, assessor's fee, transportation allowance and other incidental expenses needed during the conduct of the assessment which will be undertaken by the TESDA assessors.

•    The DepEd Tech-Voc Task Force has allocated funds for the Competency Assessment Subsidy (CAS) to the 282 Tech-Voc schools amounting to Fifty Seven Million Four Hundred Thirty Eight Thousand Eighty One Pesos (Php 57,438,081.00).

•    The school shall facilitate the utilization of subsidy fund per student, depending on the type of assessment to be taken. It shall coordinate with TESDA-accredited assessment centers for the assessment of its students.

•    As a result of the assessment, a National Certification for Levels I and II and/or Certificate of Competency, will be awarded to those who meet the required competency. This ensures the productivity, quality and global competitiveness of the graduates who will eventually become the middle-level workers.
2.3 Capability Building Program (CBP)
•   The DepEd Techvoc Task Force is responsible for the overall program design, planning and initiating STVEP activities. However, the implementation of STVEP is either classified as regionally-led or centrally-led operations/activities.
o  For regionally-led CBP, the training program is being downloaded to the regions/divisions for local-based training of the techvoc teachers teaching the 21 areas of specialization in arts and trades, agriculture and fishery.
  • The Skills Enhancement Training and Assessment is designed to enhance the existing skills and capabilities of the techvoc teachers by exposing themselves with the latest trends/technologies in the industry which can be used in teaching activities. Part of the training is assessing the competencies of the teachers to determine the learning gains after the training.
  • The Training Methodology and Assessor's Methodology is another local-based training for tech-voc teachers teaching the 21 areas of specialization in arts and trades, agriculture and fishery. Participants after completing the training program and after going through other assessment process can become an assessor for other schools.
  • The DepEd Techvoc Task Force will be downloading training funds amounting to Twenty Million Eight Hundred Sixty Thousand Pesos (Php 20,860,000.00) to the 16 DepEd Regional Offices for the conduct of various training programs specifically designed for the techvoc practitioners.
  • The Secondary Education Division (SEDs) or the designated training units in the regional offices will spearhead the conduct of the training programs specifically designed for the techvoc teachers in the 282 public secondary schools. The budgetary allocation per region was based on the number of techvoc schools implementing the STVEP.

Allocated Amount
Region 1
Php 813,687.94
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4A
Region 4B
Region 5
Allocated Amount
Region 6
Php 1,627,375.89
Region 7
Region 8
Region 9
Region 10
Region 11
Region 12

  • The regional offices will conduct the training programs in close consultation with the Regional TESDA Offices for technical assistance.
  • In order to give equal opportunities to all the tech-voc teachers in terms of building their professional competencies, the basic criteria for the selection of participants are the following:
    • For Skills Enhancement Training. The nominee should - 
      • come from the 282 identified tech-voc schools
      • be holding regular teacher item
      • be physically fit
      • be recommended by the school principal
      • have zero skills training and do not possess any Certification yet from TESDA
      • willing to serve the school for at least one year, after the training
      • Assessor's Training and Assessment Methodology. The nominee should -
      • come from the 282 identified tech-voc schools
      • be physically fit
      • be NCI or NC II qualifier with original certificates
      • be actually teaching the specializations where he/she is recommended
      • be computer literate
      • be willing to serve the school for at least one year, after the training
      • A team from the Techvoc Task Force and Regional Office will monitor the conduct of the training programs to determine the strengths and weaknesses/gaps/ constraints encountered during the implementation of the trainings and to provide the necessary assistance/interventions required.
      • For centrally-led CBP, these training programs for all other techvoc implementers/practitioners shall be spearheaded by the Techvoc Task Force:
      • SEAMED In-Country Training Programme - This is a 5-day training programme for various technical-vocational stakeholders (administrators, teachers, non-teaching personnel and other implementers) conducted by the Tech-Voc Task Force in collaboration with SEAMEO VOCTECH. It is designed to provide the participants with the latest trends in the areas of research, ICT, curriculum development, management and teaching strategies. The competencies developed/enhanced are vital in the efficient and effective implementation of the techvoc programs and instructional delivery services.
      • Orientation for the 118 Tech-Voc Administrators which adapted Implementing the STVEP - This is a 3-day training program for the administrators/principals from applicant schools which are not yet officially recognized as STVEP implementers but are already implementing the STVEP. These schools have not yet received any interventions from DepEd, i.e., provision for the tools and equipment, renovation of workshop buildings, upgrading of electrical facilities and competency assessment subsidy. The orientation-training covers overview about the STVEP (which include the rationale, objectives, expected output/outcome, beneficiaries, components, methodologies and processes); the roles and responsibilities of school implementers; underlying assumptions and principles, etc.
      • Benchmarking (Best Practices/Strategies/ Processes/Models) - This is a type of capability building for different vocational implementers designed to provide opportunities to draw new knowledge and experiences based on best practices/models shared by other practitioners who have excellent implementation or beyond the minimum standard set by TESDA. The benchmarking processes include sharing of innovative ideas/concepts and technologies and visits to relevant industries/facilities.
      • Semestral Staff and Program Performance Review and Planning Activity - This is a type of capability building exclusive for the tech-voc task force members. It is conducted twice a year to review and evaluate the accomplishments of the task force vis-a-vis work and financial plan. It is also an opportunity for the task force to come up with remedial actions to resolve/rectify the problems encountered during the 6-month implementation, through redirecting efforts and coming up with effective strategies that gear towards improved STVEP implementation.
      • A total amount of Three Million One Hundred Sixty Six Thousand Pesos (Php 3,166,000.00) shall be used to operationalize the aforementioned activities.
2.4 Curriculum Development
    • This program component shall be centrally-managed by the Techvoc Task Force in coordination/collaboration with techvoc practitioners/experts, members of the academe and DepEd management. The following activities form part of the curriculum development:
      • Workshop on the Integration and Revision of K to 12 Proposed Tech-Voc Curriculum - In preparation for the adoption of two more years in senior high school, the tech-voc task force will facilitate the fine-tuning of the appropriate competencies for years 11 and 12 in the different areas of specialization.
      • Printing and Delivery of Instructional Materials - The validated curriculum and instructional materials will be printed according to standard specifications and will be delivered to the 282 techvoc implementing schools. The materials include modules, teacher's guides and activity books which can be used in the teaching-learning and application of learning activities.
  • A total amount of Twenty One Million Eight Hundred Seventeen Thousand Pesos (Php21,817,000.00) shall be released to cover the expenses for these activities.
2.5 Other Techvoc Task Force-led Operations/Activities
  • All other operations shall be spearheaded by the DepEd Techvoc Task Force, such as:
    • Program Review and Evaluation
      • Annual Conference for School Heads/School Administrators - This is an annual meeting or gathering of all the 282 school heads/administrators which aims to provide a venue for the sharing of best practices/experiences/ strategies, and challenges encountered in the STVEP implementation. It is also a vehicle for threshing-out common issues/problems encountered in their respective schools and proposing for innovations that can improve the delivery of techvoc education services to the beneficiaries.
      • Seminar-Workshop for the Techvoc Regional and Division Supervisors - This is a consultation meeting with the techvoc regional and division supervisors which aims to provide a venue for the sharing of best practices/experiences/ strategies, and challenges encountered in the STVEP implementation as a result of their monitoring activities. It is also a vehicle for threshing-out common issues/problems encountered in their respective areas of assignment and proposing for innovations that can improve the delivery of techvoc education services.
      • PMO Operations
      • Monitoring and Evaluation of STVEP Implementation / Research and Development - This is a means to ensure efficient implementation of STVEP in the 282 identified techvoc high schools. It is conducted on a regular basis by the task force in the form of spot monitoring, community visits, ocular inspection, observation, interview, etc. The monitoring is focused on the utilization of intervention funds, functionality of workshop buildings, students and teachers' performance, teaching-learning activities, and administrative matters. For the year 2011, printing and delivery of instructional materials for the additional techvoc schools as support intervention will form part of M&E component as well as the conduct of small-scale research projects designed to improve the STVEP's implementation.
      • Development of Techvoc MIS - This is a support component for the techvoc task force that aims to provide a functional database for use by the management as basis for decision-making and planning activities. The databases consolidate useful information/data from the 282 tech-voc schools. The database can also show the progress the schools make in terms of academic performance and attainment of certifiable skills.
      • Advocacy, Networking and Social Mobilization - This activity aims to support the sustainability plan of the program. It creates awareness, generates resources and establishes network of partners working for a common cause. To ensure sustainability and support from different stakeholders, the task force conducts development of IEC/multimedia materials, consultation meetings, caravan, etc.
      • Construction of New Techvoc Task Force Office - This    provision is aimed at improving the current working environment of the Techvoc Task Force Office located at the 4th Floor Building, Mabini Building, DepEd Central Office. The task force is presently occupying a very small office space which is not enough to house the employees, office equipment, furniture, files and other basic facilities. There is also no space to entertain visitors and other individuals who go to the office to do official transactions.
      • Office Equipment and Furniture - These are support provisions that can facilitate the accomplishment/attainment of the Task Force targets/plans. It also enhances the working environment of the office.
      • A total of Twelve Million Five Hundred Thirty Nine Thousand Pesos (Php 12,539,000.00) shall be allocated to cover the PMO Operation Expenses.
3 Release of Intervention Funds
  • The Department of Budget and Management DBM) Central Office shall release the Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) to the DepEd Central Office as lumpsum.
  • As a lead office for all techvoc initiatives, the Task Force gets its own share of fund from the lumpsum fund released by the DBM.
  • The DepEd Central Office, upon receipt of the SARO and upon approval of the guidelines, will facilitate the immediate issuance of the sub-ARO through the Finance and Management Service (FMS) - Budget Division to the recipient schools that are implementing units or to the Division Offices (for non-implementing units), as the case may be, pursuant to the provision of DepEd-DBM Joint Circular No. 2004-1, "Guidelines on the Direct Release of Fund to DepEd Implementing Units."
  • Upon receipt of the sub-ARO, the Implementing Units or DOs shall request from the Regional DBM for the cash allocation corresponding to the allotment received and shall proceed immediately with the procurement process, in the case of new construction, and release of funds to cover expenses for the subsidy, training and other provisions.
4 Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting
  • All procurements to be made in relation to the project shall be in accordance to the provisions of RA 9184 and the usual government accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
  • The Regional Offices shall submit a progress report to the Office of the Undersecretary for Programs and Projects through the Techvoc Task Force on the conduct of the training, assessment, including the utilization, disbursement and liquidation of funds.
  • For the New Construction of Workshop Laboratory, the following shall be complied:
    • The Physical Facilities and Schools Engineering Division (PFSED) shall oversee the overall implementation process, such as providing technical assistance and monitoring in the actual construction of the tech-voc laboratory workshops.
    • During the entire duration of construction, each recipient school is requested to submit at least three (3) progress reports: Initial Report (to cover the 1st trimester), Mid-Project Report (to cover the middle part) and Terminal/Completion Report to the Division Office, copy furnished the Regional and Tech-Voc Task Force Offices.
5 Effectivity
  • These guidelines become effective immediately for Techvoc Intervention Fund implementation for FY 2011 Budget Release, unless sooner amended, modified or superseded.
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"Guidelines on the Utilization of the 2011 Intervention Funds for the Redesigned/Strengthened Technical-Vocational Education Programs (STVEP)" was written by Mary under the Jobs / Employment category. It has been read 3643 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 05 August 2011.
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