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Geopathic Stress

Is geopathic radiation the reason you are tired all the time and always getting sick.
Geophatic Stress

Conditions leading to Geopathic Stress are perfectly natural phenomena, which by sheer coincidence unite to represent a local serious hazard. 

The physical facts are these; all life on earth is continuously bombarded by energetic forces from the atmosphere around the planet. Some are essential, heat and light from the Sun itself. Also there are beneficial magnetic waves of low frequency discovered by one Dr. Schumann. Both plants and animals (including humans) fade and perish when deprived of Schumann Waves. Astronauts now have simulators in their spacecraft to help ward off the effect of being deprived of this energy. But there is also energies from the atmospheric sources that are far from beneficial. At present we are being warned of the danger we are in from ultra violet rays, due to the hole in the ozone layer, made by the destruction of protective gases. Cosmic radiation of other types beset travelers in space. Among these hazards are those contribute to our present subject? 

From the Ionosphere, magnetic energy waves, discovered by Professor Hartmann in America, impinge upon the Earth’s surface. These waves that take their name from him run completely around the earth in both north to south and east to west directions forming a complete network or grid. Like a system of invisible walls nine to eighteen inche4s thick, 8 feet apart. These "lines” sometimes referred to Ley-lines, are fueled by electrical activity in the skies, that is to say storms and solar flares, and they vary in strength, like the ocean Tides, with the phases of the moon. 

A Second system, originates, not from above, but from the Magnetic Core of the Earth, the Magma, and emerges at the surface, in directions diagonal to north-south, east-west, and 9 feet apart. Discovered by Manfred Curry, takes his name, The Curry Grid. 

Singly, these systems present no problem. It is thought that they are used by birds, fish, and the great aquatic mammals, in navigating their migration journey from one end of the Earth to the other. 

In just the same way other magnets behave, lines or fields of "like polarity”, repel and create disturbed magnetic fields, where one system crosses the other there is a disturbed area. 

Other incidence where this happens is where one or more systems, cross a geological feature such as mineral deposit, an underground cavern, and faults in the surface strata. Most frequently the system(s) cross running streams of water underground (such streams create an electrical current and consequently a magnetic field).
Staying for any length of time in a "disturbed magnetic field”, and most of us spend eight hours out of twenty-four in bed (one third of one’s life) can lead to problems of Geopathic Stress.

Problems from Geopathic Stress 

They are numerous, problems such as awakening from sleep feeling un-refreshed, and aches and pains with no apparent cause. Allergy type conditions like Asthma, eczema, migraine, irritable bowel syndrome are some of the others. 

Children’s behavioral problems, for example, bedwetting and hyperactivity. (In some parts of Austria, children are moved in school, to a different desk, at least once each week, so that learning difficulties are not increased because they may be sitting in a stressed area.

Geopathic Stress attacks the "Immune System”, at the top of the list are found the conditions where it has had great effect, Multiple Sclerosis, ME 9better named Postal Viral Fatigue), and malignant diseases such as cancer.
In every event, where effort have been made to reduce or eliminate the Distorted Magnetic Fields of Geopathy, thing have improved. Either the condition has been lessened and made tolerable or, as in the majority complete recovery has been result.

About Grids

The grids meet at various intersecting points forming a kind of matrix. This is equivalent to the acupressure points in our bodies. These grid points can be found at some of the strongest power places on the planet.

Curry Lines 

As the lines are electrically charged, the intersecting points are either double positives, double negatives or one of each. From his studies Dr. Curry felt that the positively charged spots lead to a proliferation of cells, with the possibility of cancerous cell growth, whereas the negatively charged spots could lead to inflammation.

Hartmann Net or Hartmann Lines

Alternate lines are usually positively and negatively charged, so where the lines intersect it is possible to have double positive charges and double negative charges, or one positive and one m\negative charge. It is the intersections that are seen to be a source of potential problems.

The Hartmann Net appears as a structure of radiations rising vertically from the ground like invisible, radioactive walls, each 21 centimeters (9 inches) wide. The grid is magnetically orientated, from North to South they are encountered at intervals of 2 meters (6 feet 6 inches), while from East to West they are 2.5 meters (8 feet) apart. Between these geometric lines lie a neutral zone, an unperturbed micro0climate. This network penetrates everywhere, whether over open ground or through dwellings.

The Hartmann Net has been defined using the Chinese terms of Yin and Yang. The Yin (north-South lines) is cold energy which acts slowly, corresponds to winter, and is related to cramps, humidity and all forms of rheumatism. The Yang (East-West lines) is hot, dry rapidly acting energy. It is related to fire and is linked to inflammations.

It is possible to have spots where Curry and Hartmann lines cross, causing further potential problems. These spots are generally seen to be more detrimental than a single crossing within the Curry or Hartmann system.

Schumann Waves

Schumann Waves are naturally occurring, beneficial electromagnetic waves that oscillate between the Earth and certain layers of the atmosphere. They were first identified in 1952 by Professor W. O. Schumann, a German scientist. He found that these waves have similar, or almost the same frequency as brain waves and follow similar daily pattern. It has been suggested that these waves help regulate the body’s internal clock, thus affecting sleep patterns, hormonal secretions, the menstrual cycle in women and so on. The American space agency NASA became interested in this phenomenon when the early astronauts returned to Earth only after a short time in space feeling distressed and disorientated. Subsequently NASA installed equipment to generate Schumann waves artificially in their spacecraft. Some modern buildings with reinforced concrete and metal roofs can inadvertently shield occupants from these beneficial waves. Part of the reason why people suffer jet lag is that Schumann waves are much weaker at normal airplane altitudes, and this effect is further weakened by mental fuselage.

Black Lines

Black Lines seem to be naturally generated, although how is not known. They may be localized and do not form a network in the same way as Hartmann and Curry lines. This could be similar in nature to the "sha”, or deadly energy lines of Chinese Feng-Shui. They can be curved, straight, at ground level or higher, even found in upper levels of buildings. There have been described 2 types of Black Lines, one as "black and depressed”, the other as "shiny, black, hard and sharp.” They could possibly represent the flow lines of a negative type of "orgone-type” energy as described by Wilhelm Reich.

Medical Evidence of Geopathic Stress

As early as 1930, Dr. Tromp (Switzerland) used an Elmquist electrocardiogram to chart the effect of geopathic radiation on a healthy heart as a subject walks through a geopathic disturbance zone.

Other medical doctors also found a 94% to 97% correlation between cancer and geopathic zones, including Hans Niper, (Hanover), Dr. Arnold Mannlicher (Switzerland), and Dr. Nothnagel (Vienna).

Dr. Mannlicher said that in the 30 years of practice, he found that EVERY ONE of his cancer patients had been living in geopathic zones.

Geopathic radiation produced degenerative changes in the blood and autonomic nervous system disorders.
Dr. Hartmann wrote that "It was very disturbing that among the many sleeping places occupied by cancer patients, there was NOT A SINGLE ONE which did not register a strong reaction exactly at the site of the cancer (with the patient lying on their bed).” This was from a 20 year private study of cancer.

Dr. Ernst Hartmann discovered that human body mounts a "defense” to geopathic radiation by greatly increasing skin resistance.

Studies have been done that confirm that all rheumatoid arthritis patients have been living in geopathic zones.
Hans Schumann wrote in his book, "Successful Treatment of Cancer through Biological Methods”, that in his practice he saw that as soon as his patients changed the place they slept, there was always remarkable improvements.

52% of the medical doctors in Germany now recognize geopathic radiation as a cause of "therapy resistance”.
Austrian and German cancer clinics require cancer patients to eliminate exposure to geopathic fields before beginning therapy, since their experience is that therapy will always fail with patients who are exposed.

To quote Harold Tietze in his work on geopathic radiation sickness, "Our body has a limited ability to deal with (temporary) disturbances, but cannot cope with continuous tension or stimulation. The relatively small pressure of a dental brace, for instance, is able over a long time, to change the position of the teeth.

Dr. Hager’s study of 5,348 Cancer cases

100% of the cancer death certificates were from homes with strong geopathic radiation.

One home standing on an intersection of many bands of radiation, was responsible for 28 cancer deaths in 21 years.
Another home is Stettin which Dr. Hager found free of geopathic radiation had likewise been free of cancer deaths in 20 years.

The research group for Geobiology investigated a home in Neckar where three generations all died of stomach cancer in the same bed. This bed lay over an intersection of two particularly dangerous sources of geopathic radiation (a geological fracture and underground stream).

Physiological Changes in Individuals Suffering from Geopathic Stress

In tissue exposed to geopathic fields for prolonged periods, laboratory examinations detects these and many other abnormalities.

Cell membrane polarization
Blood sedimentation rate increase (in some radiation, a decrease)
PH changes
EKG and pulse changes
Ion pump degradation
30% reduction in lymphocytes

These alterations can be observed after only 15 minutes exposure to a strong geopathic radiation field. Effects vary with intensity, wavelength, and pulse.

Prolonged exposure may lead to temporary or permanent degenerative changes such as: 

Cumulative errors in RNA function and messages, cell membrane polarization due to changes in spin oscillation and proton resonance, changes in mesenchymal regulatory processes and lymphatic congestion, hormone imbalance, shifts in serotonin/melatonin levels, and disturbances to violent behavior and mood changes. 

After prolonged exposure, geopathic radiation causes irreversible genetic damage. Other types of geopathic radiation appear to provoke personality disorders and aggression. 

The degree of degeneration varies wildly, and depends primarily on the individual field intensity, pulse and radiation wavelength. 

It can begin with insomnia, "spacing out”, or chronic discomfort. The next level is resistance to therapy and blockages. Ultimately some chronic degenerative afflictions destroy the organ directly over the interference band of radiation.
Different types of geopathic radiation produce different effects. For example, children exposed to the Whitman, Curry, and Hartmann types of geopathic radiation are victims of disturbances to their autonomic nervous system and typically exhibit chronic bed-wetting. 

Children in the Bachler study who were chronic bed-wetters stopped the very night they were removed from the radiation zone, and never experienced another episode. 

After sleeping on a geopathic zone for a period of time, even a healthy person will exhibit these incipient warning signs of degeneration. 

Upon waking from a full nights rest: fatigue, chronic muscular aches, difficulty in concentration, malaise, headaches, narcolepsy, and disturbances in the sympathetic nervous system. Sometimes also blurred vision, memory lapses or arrhythnis. 

At first, symptoms disappear a few hours after waking. In time it persists through the day, and finally chronic disease begins. 

There has been found marked reduction in immunocompetence as well as inability to repair organ degeneration after prolonged exposure to a geopathic zone. 

Dr. Hans Nipper claims that 75% of his multiple sclerosis patients are affected by geopathic zones.
Geopathic zones merely weaken the body so that ultimately, cancer is inevitable. 

Geopathic zones do not cause cancer. The Crptocides Primordiales virus causes the cancer. But this CP virus only attacks cells weakened by something else. Thus, the 94% correspondence between geopathics and cancer. 

Another sign of geopathic stress is a spiral growth pattern in grain, stalks and trees. 

Trees on a geopathic zone will develop tumors, just as humans do. Every tree on a boundary band of geopathic radiation will be sickly and covered with tumors, caused by the icosahedral varieties of plant viruses.
Using an electronic geopathic detector studies link geopathic radiation zones to cataracts, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and any affliction that strikes weak bodies. 

So in practically any case of resistance to therapy, or continual relapse after recovery, the possibility of geopathic stress must be considered. 

Even after the patient moves their bed out of it, they may continue to deteriorate for a while - - they must have time and proper nutrition to repair itself. 

And some degeneration caused by geopathic radiation may be permanent. Dr. Heyer says that only 30% of patients who move their desks and beds out of geopathic radiation recover. 

Dr. Heyer believes that this is because parasites have established themselves during the illness and undermine the organs. The rate of recovery is probably realistic for conventional therapy. 

However, it has been seen that virtually every patient recover if the patient moves out of the geopathic band and then uses an effective treatment such as Ozone therapy or homeopathic remedy. 

Don’t bother wasting your valuable vitamin supplements, medicines and therapy if you remain in geopathic radiation. First move your bed out of the zone or deflect it, and then take supplements. 

Recovery after moving out of geopathic radiation may take months, or even a year. 

It all depends on the time of exposure to the field, its intensity, pulse, frequency, and polarity, the vitality and youth of the individual, their nutrition, and whatever organs are impaired as a result of sleeping in geopathic zones. 

The Bachler study of 12,000 school children and parents concluded that 95% of learning disabled and "problem children” were in radiation zones, either at night or in class. 

Those whose beds or seats were then removed off the geopathic radiation became academically capable again within days, and remained good students afterward. 

Regardless of how bright a student is, he will have extreme difficulty with any class where he is subjected to geopathic radiation. If the zone emits microwaves, he may doze or sleep in class. 

If he has the same "hot seat” all day, he becomes a "slow learner”. If the zone is created by interference, such as Whitman grid, he may become unruly, disruptive or hostile. 

If the radiation is a band, there may be a row of "problem children” who respond only to removal from the radiation.
Why is geopathic radiation confirmed to narrow strips and spots? The first mechanism is by reflection from underground aquifers. 

The second mechanism is by a combination of optical pumping of waves (like a LASER) through the phaseleap phenomenon. Radiation is thus altered by subterranean water veins. (Phasleap is changes produced by passing through a density of gradients). 

The third mechanism is interference, the chaotic interaction at geomagnetic grid intersections and between lattice nodes. 

(It must be noted that interference bands are by nature, detectable only with special, customized instruments).
Many studies have shown that the heart, which produces the strongest magnetic field in the human body, is VERY susceptible to certain types of geopathic disturbances. 

It is important to temporarily mark the fields limits in chalk on the floor to have a clear idea of where and how far to move the bed. Moving your bed doesn’t mean instant recovery. Damage to DNA has to be be repaired before recovery can proceed. 

In children symptoms may disappear the same day their beds are moved. But in cases of long-standing exposure it can take a year to reverse the degeneration, or the degeneration can even be permanent.

A Survey of Different Types of Geopathic Radiation 

By definition true geopathic radiation DOES NOT include the unnatural radiation, such as that created by transformer loops, power lines, radio, TV broadcasting stations, microwave relays, or emissions from low-level nuclear waste illegally dumped around the country. 

Geopathic radiation originates from natural disturbances in the earth’s electromagnetic field, as well as galactic microwave radiation which is reflected in certain zones, and altered to pathological wavelengths.
The 12 distinct types of geopathic zones occupy certain bands of electromagnetic spectrum and specific wave lengths.
The primary types are: 

• Gamma radiation – destructive to DNA and producing free radicals.
• Specific reflected wavelengths in infrared, microwave and UHF ranges which induce distinct NONTHERMAL genetic effects dependent on wavelength, verge distortion or interference.
• Grid intersections and diagonal internodes of geomagnetic lattice (netzgitter). These electromagnetic disturbances affect the autonomic nervous system and its neurotransmitters, including or encouraging mood fluctuations, depression, manic episodes, personality disorders, neurosis – and in extreme cases, psychoses.
• Neutron emissions focused through some currently unidentified mechanism. These emissions though without charge, strangely ARE focused into beams when passing through a geopathic zones.
Neutron beams are reported as associated with three types of geopathic radiation:
"Wasserstrhalung” – radiation focused by subterranean streams running through metamorphic or igneous rock.
Gamma radiation – associated with tectonic slips or dislocated fractures
Radioactive deposits or radon
The only thing all geopathic zones have in common is that their radiation causes degeneration of organs and tissue.
Where Do Geopathic Zones Commonly Occur?
• Over reflectors and conductors
• (subterranean streams, water domes, metallic ore deposits)
• Within verge distortion nodes and internodes in geomagnetic lattice,
• (the Curry Net, Hartmann Net, Whitman-Sieger Interference Fields)
• Over tectonic dislocations or slips faults
• Over areas with anomalies in gravity (rare unknown Etiology)
• Over reservoirs of petroleum, radon gas and radioactive deposits

So if you live over underground water currents, domes, springs, oil, or a fault line, odds are very high that you live in or near geopathic radiation. It is also likely in mountainous areas or canyons. And netzgitter type disturbance fields may occur in any terrain. 

The electromagnetic characteristics of each zone of radiation define its effect on tissue: specific wavelengths, polarity and interference. Each wavelength has a distinctive effect on discrete DNA sequences.
Wassertrahlung zones (over underground streams running through non-sedimentary rock) produce different effects than netzgitter nodes, etc.,

Netzgitter internodes typically produce irritation or damage to the central nervous system. One zone produced a series of suicides or psychotic episodes in everyone who slept there – possibly a cascading hormone effect on the fibrin in blood.
Dr. Aschof examined the beds of 30 cancer patients with sensitive instruments, and found UHF radiation from Wasserstranhlung zones reflected beneath the bed.

Rarely does a SINGLE band of radiation cause enough degeneration to be lethal. A study of 150 cancer patients showed that all who were suffering from exposure to at least two, and often as many as four overlapping bands of radiation. 

ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS: the lethal potential of the field depends on the wavelength of exposure, the exact wavelength it emits, the field strength, interference, crossing and verge distortions. 

Geomagnetic jerks are calculated to have occurred in the years 1912, 1913, 1969, and 1988, from deceleration of the earth’s fluid core as the mantle rotates during abnormal solar/lunar eclipses. This results in a gradual westward drift of geomagnetic field at the same rate of 1 degree of longitude every 5 years. 

If you find that you are unable to well only during the full moon, or always experience an increase in symptoms at that time, you should strongly suspect the presence of geopathic zone near your bed, which typically expands during the period of the full moon to include you. 

Netzgitter types of geopathic fields produce fluctuations in neurotransmitter levels, and possibly their MAO inhibitors. Dr. Von Pohl related incidents of outright psychotic behavior induced in every successive occupant of a house with one particular type of radiation. 

Gamma ray counts from geopathic zones DIMINISHES during ECLIPSES. 

Inc identally, Schroder-Speck devised an elegant proof that sleep is disturbed by sleeping to the south of toxic drugs, stored chemicals, pesticide, and lead-plate batteries. (This was long before Dr Reinhard Voll proved that prescription drugs have an oscillation that can disturb electro-acupuncture readings).
It has definitely been confirmed that the oscillations of toxic chemicals or putrefactive toxins are carried to points directly south in the geomagnetic field. Over a long period of exposure this can cause as much harm as geopathic radiation. 

Other anecdotal evidence of the effect of pathological oscillation: Dr’s Kohl and Hartmann noted that the staff of an entire office building south of a dump was constantly ill. Only when human waste left in discarded toilets were removed from the dump did the staff return to normal health.

How Can Non-ionizing Geopathic Radiation Damage Cells? 

Evidence confirms that specific wavelengths and polarities have been identified with the development of Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn” disease, and asthma. Carcinoma is triggered by one wavelength, sarcoma.
By another. Melanoma, lymphoma, and lymphatic leukemia, are each triggered by different wavelengths. 

The Kaznacheyev experiments proved that spefic disease could be induced in target cells, when bombarded with near UV photons as carriers of certain wavelengths. 

Many attempts were made to obtain this data from the Soviets, but permission to review the data was always refused, because apparently it was "possible to utilize (these) radiations for military purposes to produce temporary damage to the nervous system.” The Soviet experiments also proved that these diseases could be reversed electro-magnetically as well.

Effects of Microwaves on Humans 

Cardiovascular Effects: 

Occasionally rupture of small vessels in the head. 

Heart: extra-systiolic contractions of the auricle, reduced number of thrombocytes, arterial pressure decreases, pulse slows. 

Central Nervous System Effects: 

Changes in electroencephalogram, headaches, and fear.
Autonomic nervous systems symptoms: Hands sweat while body temperature drops
Fluctuations in homeostatic pulse and BP control, and threshold of pain is raised. 

Metabolic effects: 

Hyper-function of the thyroid 

As geopathic radiation introduces cumulative errors which alter metabolic pathways, organ function gradually deteriorates and the individual begins his slide toward death. Depending in the type of enetic error, the eventual result may be cancer, arthritis, or any chronic degenerative disease. 

This does not mean that harmful wave lengths alone cause degenerative disease. But when particular wavelengths alter proton spin of DNA functions and metabolic pathways the cell degenerates and the immune system ceases to function correctly, it is inevitable that viruses in the body will create disease. 

One such virus is Cryptocides Primordiales (or Progenitor Cryptocides), which is present in all mammalian cells from birth. Using photomicrographs of this virus in various stages, it has been demonstrated beyond any doubt that this virus can transform normal cells into malignant ones. 

But unless a cell is genetically damaged, this virus co-exists without transforming our cells. This transformation to malignancy takes place ONLY when irreversible genetic damage is done to the cell and its metabolic pathways.
Then the CP viruses are cloned in overwhelming numbers by infected cells and more tumor cells are created. But both the virus AND the degeneration must be present for this transformation to occur. 

An overlooked factor is the DIMENSION of the room that a cancer patient sleeps in. This is because the walls reflect harmful wavelengths of VHF radiation from geopathic fields. The results: standing waves with deadly maxima and minima at various locations in the room. How do we locate the maxima and minima? Since the 1990’s an ocean of manmade electronic transmissions also reflect off walls at the speed of light and interact with geopathic waves. The results is a cacophony of complex interference patterns and beat frequencies, changing faster than humans can read a digital display. So it is extremely difficult to measure the exact wavelengths generated by given geopathic zone, even with Fourier analysis. For that every reason, manufacturers of German instruments for measuring geopathic wavelengths in this range have ceased to promote these devices. 

Williams and Lorenz discovered that gamma radiation from geopathic fields extends in columns high above the ground, passing through many floors of a building. 

Such a column of gamma radiation would have a considerable effect on all types of electromagnetic fields that alter DNA. This could explain the "cancer-causing” microwaves. Geopathic radiation is frequently found over god reflectors and conductors, such as underground ore deposits and water veins. These water veins and rock strata exert a pronounced phaseleap on reflected waves passing from one density to another. These factors alter the natural field with harmful wavelengths in the microwave and infra-wave band, through the mechanism of phaseleap and verge distortion. Thios phenomena can also cause alterations in proton spin and DNA-which has also been detected in tumor cells.
Although most radiation follows the meandering path of good conductors (such as underground streams and ore deposits) some geopathic radiation travels in straight lines of radiation from one spot to another. Some straight lines of radiation originate from tectonic fault lines containing radon gas. 

Radon should not be lightly dismissed: radiation from radon kills 30,000 people in the United States each year from lung cancer it stimulates. 

One Pennsylvania home tiny amount of radon expose its occupants to the equivalent of 2,500 chest x-rays per year. The occupants of that house might as well have lived in a nuclear reactor.

What causes Geopathic Zones? 

There are several other unexplained aspects of geopathic radiation. For example it can be observed that geopathic radiation expands and increases in intensity when the sun, earth and full moon are aligned. The radiation also increases in the middle of the day, when the sun radiation zone are aligned, but not when the sky is overcast. At least some geopathic radiation originates from altered solar and some cosmic radiation, but only if it is altered and reflected.
A new theory is that new pathogenic wavelengths are produced by scalar interference phenomenon (focus and reflection from underground water) and phaseleap, These wavelengths are harmful to all life except spores and viruses.
Similar studies by Soviet institutes showed that epidemics of tuberculosis and other pestilence throughout history have precisely coincided with records of solar magnetic storms. 

Netzgitter nodes can be observed to widen with solar flares and collapses during eclipses, just as the solar radiation waxes and wanes. 

It has been observed that thunderstorms swerve around geopathic zones and that there are some areas that thunderstorms just won’t cross. 

There are currently studies being done of electromagnetic effects of geopathic zones on the path of tornados, which have often been observed sharply reversing direction as if encountering some invisible barrier.
The outer edges of the radiation over subterranean water veins are always more intense than the center, indications a type of refection or focusing. 

Russian and American scientist have discovered that, without the protection of the ozone layer, astronauts will lose about 1% of their brain cells EACH MONTH. 

It has been discovered that lighting only strikes at intersections of two bands of geopathic radiation (except grounded lighting rods). Master dowser Herbert Douglas found that all lighting strike zones he checked were located on geopathic zone with radius of 10 to 40 feet vertically and horizontally, and that at least four bands of radiation crossed at that point. 

The edge of geopathic zones ("the forewarnings”), are much less than the narrow reflected band at the center.
Mason walls bisected by geopathic zones usually show stains from moisture. The moisture condenses as a vertical line on a wall. Moisture condenses this way on most walls built across geopathic zone. Like most geopathic disturbances, it is confined to a very narrow zone, perhaps 8 inches wide. You can see how easy it is to move a bed out of this zone.

Typical Effects of Geopathic Radiation on Mental Performance 

When the home of 3,000 students with learning disabilities were examined, it was found 95% were exposed to geopathic zone. 

Lapses in attention and high accident rates are so common in geopathic zones that the German Highway Safety Police actually post signs on the Autobahn to warn motorist of geopathic zones that may cause drivers to "space out”!
In 1987 eight hundred forty auto accidents were recorded at 25 geopathic zones on German highways. The Autobahn safety officers installed neutralizing transmitters along one geopathic zone which was popular with one medical school for turning motorists into fresh autopsy material. And the accident rate fell drastically.

What does Geopathic Radiation do to Animals 

Mice in boxes placed in geopathic zones struggle endlessly to leap out and escape. In contrast to normal mice, these mice were always irritable and bristling, and continually devoured their young. (what young there was to devour).
After 6 months, there were only 56 young born to the females in a cage over the "cancer zone”, versus 124 offspring born to the same number of females in a cage over a neutral point just 18 inches away. 

In an experiment Dr. HJartmann divided 132 rats into 3 groups: 

Group #1 was exposed to a geopathic zone
Group #2 was kept at a neutral point 3 feet away
Group #3 was placed in a geopathic zone, but shielded with a Faraday cage:
(a barrier to the higher frequency pulses of this field)
Dr. Hartman inoculated all the rats just under the skin with Yoshioda tumor cells containing the cancer virus (cyrptocides primordiales). The tumors were weighed each day.
The rats on the geopathic zone had tumor weights that ran off the chart at 120 grams, the neutral zone rat tumors weighed 60 grams, the shielded rats tumor only weighed 22 grams.
Unfortunately, Faraday cages are impractical. They are prohibitively expensive and require lining one’s bedroom walls with shielding screens. Dr. Patrick Estes (Philippines) has developed a inexpensive way to deflect the geopathic zones so that your whole house will be safe. 

Most animals can sense geopathic radiation with sensors in the posterior, pituitary and adrenal glands, and will avoid sleeping on them at any cost. 

Dogs, pigs, horses, cows, chickens, and birds will do everything possible to avoid geopathic radiation. Only cats, parasites, bacteria, and stinging insects such as ants, wasps and bees thrive in non-ionizing geopathic radiation.
Wasps prefer geopathic radiation even more than ants or bees. No matter how often the nest is destroyed by humans, wasps will seek out and rebuild on intersections of multiple radiations bands for nests. 

Ants only build anthills in geopathic radiation, but confine their longer trails to bands of geopathic radiation. However, perhaps this is because the radiation stunts or kills vegetation, and makes a natural trail for the ants. When the band of radiation moves, (as sometimes happens when underground water veins move, for example) so do the ants.
Years ago, the customs in Bavaria was to pour an ant heap on the ground where you panned to build your home. If the ants move away, indicating a radiation free area, building proceeded as planned. If the ants built a nest, a new location was selected for the house. 

Cats like bees, seem benefit from geopathic radiation. Cats seek out certain geopathic zones to slep on. So if your cat sleeps on your bed, better check for a band of radiation. 

It appears cats and perhaps insects do not prefer netzgitter-type radiation zones. Apparently, they search for” wasserstrahlung” type radiation, that which is altered and focused by underground water. 

Cats have a bizarre nervous system that reacts opposite to many other animals. Just one example: both catnip and Ritalin excite cats, while both these drugs sedate humans. 

Apparently, this unusual adaption to geopathic radiation extends only to cats and insects. All other animals confined in geopathic radiation eventually succumb to tumors, actinomycosis or fungal disease.

The Effect of Geopathic Radiation on Plants 

Most plants clearly indicate that geopathic radiation is present by stunted or distorted growth, yellow leaves, insect infestation, disease, or gradual death. 

But if you find one plant in a hedgerow or orchard always dies, regardless of how often you replace it with a new one, you can be sure that a geopathic zone crosses the hedge at that spot. 

The German magazine "Bunte” ran photos of a tree trunk full of tumors, leaning away from the radiation. As the trunk grew past the edge of the radiation, it began to grow straight up free of new tumors. Branches over geopathic zones droop toward the ground, and often look distorted, scraggly and nearly dead. The rest of the tree, off to the side of the radiation band, will be much healthier. 

Different types of geopathic radiation do different types of genetic damage to plants and humans. The type of genetic damage done determines if the tree becomes more susceptible to insect, fungus, viral tumors, or bacterial rot.
Science has always recognized that gamma rays cause severe genetic damage, whether these gama rays come from distant galaxies or geopathic fields. Plant cells damaged by gamma radiation are attacked by viruses which create plant tumors. 

Experiments have confirmed that the cryptocides priordiales virus also singles out human cells damaged by geopathic radiation. It converts these genetically damaged cells to malignant cells which clone both the virus and the cell ad infinitum. 

On the other hand, the effect of a different type of geopathic zone can produce twisted bark and deformed trunks.
It has been observed that conifers, palms, eucalyptus, cajuput and lettuce ALWAYS grow in a twisted pattern resembling a spiral when growing in the energy vortex of a netzgitter node. Sometimes the trunk appears straight, but the bark itself is twisted, and the lumber is useless for building because its spiral grain under strain. 

Harald Tietze’s book on geopathic zones has a spectacular photo of a palm tree whose massive trunk is so tightly coiled that it resembles a bedspring! 

Mr. Tietze’s theory is that trees grow in spirals when surrounded on all sides by four geopathic zones.
NATO’s radar coverage is now thought to be a strong factor contributing to the devastating "Forest Death” in Germany. This is just an example of one man-made wave length rather than naturally occurring geopathic wavelengths. It clearly illustrates the degeneration effect of specific harmful wavelengths – natural or not. 

The most ancient types of trees (conifers, ginkgos) seem to be immune or strongly resistant to geopathic radiation, like ants, bees, and wasps. 

These primordial trees produce bioflavonoids and powerful free radical scavengers which protect them from ultraviolet and gamma rays, 

Ginkgo, the most ancient deciduous tree known, manufactures high levels of proanthocyanadins – bioflavonoids which scavenge the free radical damage of gamma rays. 

These chemicals manufactured by ginkgos to protect against the sun’s gamma rays also protect it from geopathic radiation. 

But ginkgo and other anti-oxidants are simply unable to reverse human cancer. First, these protective chemicals (free-radical scavengers) must saturate the body BEFORE the genetic damage is done. 

Second, there is a loss of potency when these chemically are extracted and stored. And third, these chemically are useless for non-ionizing wavelengths produced in some geopathic zones. So it would be tragic mistake to rely on ginkgo extract or other antioxidant and bioflavonoids to protect from cancer. 

Some conifers also evolved in ancient times, and also developed special chemicals to protect themselves from the intense gamma radiation. These chemicals are called pycnogenols. Pycnogenols contained a certain pine barks is at least 10 times more effective than vitamin C at quenching the free-radicals produced by gamma rays. 

Plants adapted to arid environments also produce free-radical scavengers. These include chaparral and madrone.
The following trees are resistant to "earth radiation” or even thrive in it. Stone fruits (nectarine, peach, plum, cherry), oaks ashes, elms, willows, and elderberry trees, as well as the parasite mistletoe. 

Mistletoe thrives on trees in geopathic zones riddled with cancer. It is also popular as adjunctive cancer therapy in Europe, and must contain a protective chemical against geopathic radiation or cancer virus. 

Apple and pear trees are badly affected by geopathic zones. So are nut trees, currants, some berries, and sunflowers.
However Dr. Von Pohl reported that peach trees cannot tolerate a crossing of two geopathic bands, but pears and cherry do better than apple, plum, apricot, and peach. So who is right. 

It has been determined that it is the variety of geopathic radiation that matters more than the variety of trees.
Dowsers say that beech and linden trees die quickly in geopathic radiation, and are therefore good trees to take shelter under during an electrical storm. 

On the other hand, dowers say that oak and fir thrive on geopathic radiation, and must be avoided in electrical storms. (both produce potent free-radical scavengers of ultra violet radiation). So if you have a plant in your garden that is always attacked by insects, in the same quality of soil as healthy plants, you can assume that this plant is burdened by geopathic radiation. 

Dr. Von Pohl found that cauliflower never forms a head in geopathic radiation, and peas and cucumbers die in mid-life. So if your cukes keep dying, check for geopathics. 

The theory is that all predators can sense unhealthy energy patterns from great distances, carried on geomagnetic field by Schumann wave. 

Hypericum, or St. John’s Wort, first got its reputation when farmers noted that animals, which sought it out to feed during the day, did not sicken when confined at night stalls penetrated by geopathic radiation. 

Hypericum (St. John’s Wort) was heavily prescribed by German doctors, to deal with fallout from Chernobyl. It was learned that this herb also protects itself against gamma radiation of geopathic zones, and in fact is often all that thrives in such zones. 

German citizens bought tons of Hypericum extract after it was revealed that NATO forces contaminated vast areas of rural Germany during the Cold War (from testing small nuclear projectiles fired from tanks). 

A good example of herbs which develop more potent protective chemicals when growing well is Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus). This type of ginseng actually thrives in slightly radioactive soil. 

In fact, Japanese collectors once located the most potent ginseng by shooting arrows at toward faintly glowing blue spots. This faint glow was ionizing radiation from radioactive materials absorbed by wild ginseng. In daylight, they merely looked for the arrows to identify the most potential ginseng. 

Ginseng was one of the treatments prescribed for prevention of genetic damage from fallout, but it may not repair the damage once done. 

Please remember that no medicinal herb can reverse the genetic damage of geopathic radiation. It can only give a degree of protection before it occurs. 

Herbal experts will tell you that medicinal herbs healing powers are greatest when picked in a clearing during a full moon. Such claims cause doctors and scientists to dismiss medicinal herbs as superstition. 

Herbs with resistance to geopathic radiation are always found in natural clearings. These clearings are created where gamma radiation and other harmful geopathic wavelengths kill off the most sensitive plants, leaving only spices with resistance to colonize the clearigns. 

To survive, these plants must produce scavengers of free radicals and other chemicals to protect them (and also you) against radiation. 

The level of free radicals scavengers is highest when the intensity of geopathic zones increases --- during full moon.
So during the seven days of the full moon phase, the herb has to develop its most powerful chemical antidotes to geopathic radiation in order to survive. The effects of these chemicals transfers to individuals who use the herb while still fresh (though effects are diminished in dried herbs). 

Dr. Von Pohl correctly assumed that homeophatic doses of spagyric medicinal herbs, treated with electricity, were far more effective than crude herbs themselves. 

It’s difficult to believe that a homeopathic remedy (essentially, alcohol with water) could have any effect on genetic damage caused by geopathic radiation. But there is on plausible explanation: 

Today, scientists have discovered that polar clusters of up to 60 molecules of water exist in layers at room temperature, and up to 300 per cluster in human tissue. 

These clusters store energy patterns when electronically imprinted and then succussed (subject to repeated mechanical shock). It is the theory that the effect of homeopathic remedies is from energy stored in these molecular chains, held in position by polar attraction of alcohol and water. 

For this reason, homeopathics ay work a little like bio-active frequency generators. However homeopathics have little effect on disease like cancer, and seem truly effective only at removing toxins from tissues.
The only real known treatment for geopathic radiation today is ozone therapy.

Geopathic Effects on Micro-organisms 

Storing food in a geopathic zone is wasteful: canned food sometimes dents and buckles, food preserved with pressure cookers ferments and spoils and vegetables in root cellars deteriorate rapidly.
There may be some bacteria which are also stimulated. Silage in geopathic radiation produces so much butyric acid, botulism and explosive gas that there are repeated explosions and spontaneous combustion fires regardless of any precautions taken. The same occurs with dust explosions of stored coal (one of the smallest organisms ever identified lives in coal). 

Also IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and Chron’s disease were recently discovered to be caused by parasite and a virus. It is also been long known in Europe that patients with IBS are always sleeping in geopathic radiation.
Remember: Exposure to geopathic fields alters DNA, reduces the number of white blood cells and accelerates the growth of viruses. 

DNA damage up to a point can be repaired. Free radical damage from some geopathic radiation can be quenched, if very high levels of supplement anti-oxidants are added to the diet – superoxide dismutase, pycnogenols, or alpha tocopherol derived from natural food oils (rather than acetic acid fermentation, etc.). But don’t count on them.
If you think or know you have been exposed to geopathic radiation then you will need ozone therapy to eliminate and reverse the damage done.
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Geopathic Stress" was written by Mary under the Health category. It has been read 3099 times and generated 0 comments. The article was created on and updated on 08 March 2012.
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