Before you actually file for bankruptcy, you should continue to look for alternatives. Try negotiating with all of your creditors to reduce your payments and/or your interest rates. See if a financial manager can assist you by hiring one. If you own a property, you should attempt to refinance it so that you can use the funds to pay off your debts.
You should only declare bankruptcy if you are unable to pay the minimum on all of your credit cards and your balances are increasing due to late penalties. If you discover that you are unable to make any of the payments, despite your best budgeting efforts, or if there is a threat of foreclosure, you may want to consider bankruptcy. Then and only then should bankruptcy proceedings be initiated.
There are severe consequences for taking this path. Remember that this will remain on your credit history for up to ten years, and that it will take a significant amount of time to begin re-establishing your credit after it has been removed. Before anyone will be willing to grant you additional credit, you will likely be required to pay the highest interest rates for a number of years.
You must also recognize that not all debts are dischargeable and that you may still owe money and have outstanding expenses. Taxes and student loans are examples of expenses that are nearly impossible to deduct.
Once the bankruptcy has been discharged from your credit, it is imperative that you establish a new checking or savings account and make regular deposits into one of them. This is one method to demonstrate to potential lenders that you are financially savvy and responsible. Therefore, establishing an account of this type will be to your advantage. It does not matter how much you put into the account; what matters is that you consistently place something into it.
You should make every effort to obtain a credit card after your bankruptcy has been removed from your credit report. In today's society, everyone must have excellent credit for one reason or another, and the only way to achieve this is to begin rebuilding it as quickly as possible.
A good way to demonstrate to lenders that you are responsible after bankruptcy is to maintain a modest balance on your credit card and then pay it off each month so that you don't fall back into the same trap that got you into financial trouble in the first place.""
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