When credit card debt dominates one's life
When you realize that you have no money (income) to cover your day-to-day expenses, it is time to realize that something is wrong with your finances. When you must charge gas, groceries, medical expenses, food, and virtually everything else to your credit card, you realize that your financial situation is worse than you thought. Additionally, you may be repaying your credit card debt loan with a second credit card. One credit card is used to pay off the obligations of the other. In addition, the credit card company would have increased their interest rates to 30 percent, your over-limit fees are soaring, and your misery is only growing by the day. When this occurs, you realize you are unduly accumulating debt and increasing your interest rates, and it is time to declare bankruptcy.
Interest Rate Increases
You would have realized that it is difficult enough to pay off your debts at the current low rates, but if you have neglected a few payments, your interest rates will increase. Occasionally, these interest rates can increase by as much as 30 percent if a few payments are delayed. This means that a greater portion of your payment is now going toward interest than principal. This will increase the time required to repay the debt even further. If you cannot pay off these high interest rates or negotiate with the lenders for reduced rates, declaring bankruptcy is likely your best option.
Job Loss
In periods of economic downturn, when millions of people were forced out of their homes, bankruptcy became a common occurrence. People were unable to repay their enormous obligations and loans due to the deteriorating economy. Loss of employment only makes matters more challenging. Often, this is one of the most prevalent and prevalent reasons why individuals declare bankruptcy. Most individuals are able to pay off their consolidate credit card debt and other loans with their overtime pay and other allowances. In the event that there is no employment available, it may be extremely difficult to pay these expenses. You may be forced to sell your assets to cover your medical expenses and other living expenses. In this situation, repaying loans becomes nearly impossible. Therefore, bankruptcy may be an option for escaping this difficult circumstance.""
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