In contrast to credit card debt or student loans, medical debt is almost always entirely unavoidable. You have the option to attend college or not. You may elect to make purchases with a credit card. When having a stroke, you cannot choose to go to the hospital. You cannot choose to disregard heart attack symptoms.
Reduction of Medical Debt
While medical debt can be discharged in bankruptcy, it cannot be eliminated outright. When it comes to bankruptcy, it's all or nothing. You can't select and choose which debts to discharge. It is unfair to creditors, so the court will not permit it.
However, prior to contemplating bankruptcy, you should consider the various debt management options available to you. Medical debt has the advantage over other types of debt in that you are not always required to deal directly with your creditor.
Sometimes, it can be advantageous to contact the hospital or doctor to whom you owe money and attempt to negotiate a repayment plan. If you have insurance, your insurance company may be willing to assist you with this.
Beginning Your Assault
Remember that persistence is the key to confronting any type of debt. Make sure you keep pursing debt management solutions. More research will increase the likelihood that your repayment plan will be accepted. Don't give up too soon!
In addition, if the hospital is unwilling to work with you to resolve your medical expenses, you may want to consider debt snowballing. Snowballing is a popular method for consolidating your obligations into a single account with a single monthly payment. This can be an excellent method for eliminating all debts, large and small.
Don't Forget About Bankruptcy
You always have the option of declaring bankruptcy. If your medical debt imposes an intolerable financial burden, filing for bankruptcy may be your best option. If you have additional debts in addition to medical debt, bankruptcy becomes an even more attractive option!""
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