You must anticipate that it will be difficult for you to finance anything. This includes automobiles, furnishings, residences, and anything else you may attempt to finance. Companies will not be willing to lend you money just yet. It will take several years before they are able to assist you.
Second, anticipate that credit card companies will compete for your business. They will attempt to trap you with exorbitant interest rates and fees. They are confident because you cannot file for insolvency again for quite some time. This is why they have become the raptors pursuing you. These proposals should be avoided at all costs.
Lastly, anticipate that your credit will initially be lower than it was before your bankruptcy. After about a year, your credit will begin to improve, but it will take between two and four years for it to return to normal. After seven years, your bankruptcy will be erased and you will have a new credit score and a fresh start.
You will be required to deal with credit following a bankruptcy. It will be a rough voyage, but after a few years you will see the desired improvements. Simply avoid returning to your pre-bankruptcy situation because you decided to obtain a few credit cards.""
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