Obtaining Solid Ground
Now that your obligations have been discharged, you are in a position to regain financial control. Start by reviewing your credit report. Negative or delinquent accounts should have been removed or changed to a satisfactory standing. If not, you must contact your creditor and request that they update your account information with the credit bureau. It may take up to two months for your credit report to reflect your new account statuses accurately. Begin planning your next step toward responsible borrowing in the interim.
Even though filing for bankruptcy does not negatively impact your credit score, it is likely that you will need to restore your credit after a period of delinquency. The quickest method to rebuild credit is by obtaining new credit and establishing a history of responsible borrowing. Obtaining new credit after bankruptcy can be difficult, but with a little patience, you can find the appropriate line of credit. Avoid large credit limits and secured credit accounts. Obtain an unsecured card with a lower credit limit and maintain a manageable balance. Although paying off your credit card balance is always a good idea, maintaining some debt is necessary to build credit. Keep your overall debt balance below 40 percent of your total available credit line for the greatest credit boost. Six to twelve months of on-time payments and avoiding bad spending habits will place you on the fast track to good credit.
Also, now is the opportunity to apply what you've learned in your credit counseling course. Remember the significance of altering your previous spending patterns, and resolve to become a savvy money manager. This involves creating and sticking to a monthly budget, prioritizing the growth of your savings account, and using new credit responsibly. Money management is essential for future financial success and requires effort and dedication. If you notice that you are reverting to old habits, ensure that you have someone to hold you accountable for your new objectives.""
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