If you got into debt in the past due to poor money management, don't let it happen again. Receive counseling and attend courses. After declaring bankruptcy, you must pay off all remaining debt to begin anew.
Do not obtain a loan or carry a balance on a credit card that you cannot repay within a reasonable period of time. Remember that your spending cannot exceed your income. If you do not have a savings account, you should create one. Especially in this difficult economic climate, you must be prepared for layoffs and unemployment.
Your bankruptcy has likely reduced your credit score by several hundred points, and it will remain on your credit report for up to ten years. Rebuilding your credit may be difficult, but you should not give up. First, obtain a secured credit card to establish a positive payment history. After a few months or a year, apply for an unsecured credit card. Some credit card companies offer cards to individuals with poor credit. Some credit issuers will also grant you credit cards if you have attempted to correct your errors, unlike those who are still in debt.
Once you have obtained new credit cards, you must pay on time every month. If you neglect a payment or pay late, you take one step further away from reestablishing good credit.
The path to bankruptcy recovery will likely be lengthy and occasionally discouraging, but it is doable. Be mindful that you will be denied for items, and do everything you can to avoid repeating the same financial mistakes you've made in the past.""
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