With SKIP, you can quickly and easily get an overview of all the deals you do not want to miss, keeping track of past purchases, see how much bonus you have gathered and see how much there is left to shop for. An integrated map also points out where all the chains stores. With SKIP get good control of their shopping and look simply what next bill lands on.
"We know that many loyalty card users are demanding a mobile application that connects payments to customer offers and bonus points. SKIP is a first step in that direction," said Matilda Lennér Payne, marketing manager at Ikano Bank. The goal is of course to collect loyalty card wallet all in one place. And here, of course, IKEA is an interesting addition.
Nine store cards with over three million members is now in the app available for both iPhone and Android. Connected cards today is IKEA (FAMILY and Shopping), Home Evening, Stadium, Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, Shell MasterCard and Hemtex which together have 950 stores throughout Sweden. Each week, new promotions through app as Ikano Bank is working on developing a beta patch.
In 2012, many retailers have tried various methods to facilitate payments via mobile phones. Next year, several major retail chains in increasingly take their first tentative steps in the same direction. IKEA has chosen to use the SKIP shows that the industry believes in mobile applications in the long term.
Additional information may be obtained from:
Matilda Lennér Payne, Marketing, Ikano Bank Tel 070-646 16:02 matilda.payne @ ikano.se Ikano Bank offers loans and savings products to retail customers and store cards, loyalty cards, credit cards and crmtjänster to retail businesses. We also provide rental, leasing, car financing and operation contracts for corporate clients. Ikano Bank is part of the Ikano Group. Ikano is an international group that develops, owns and manages businesses in the areas of finance, real estate, insurance, asset management and retail. Ikano was founded in 1988 and is owned by the Kamprad family. Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA. Ikanos also characterized by that we work together to create long-term solutions based on decent conditions that create value for our partners, customers and ourselves.
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/