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1. What does this document provide us? * A. scholastic aptitude B. academic aptitude C. occupational -

1. What does this document provide us? * A. scholastic aptitude B. academic aptitude C. occupational -

"A. scholastic aptitude
B. academic aptitude
C. occupational field of interest
D. Above Average

2. In this NCAE rating, in what descriptive rating does the highest bar of the graph fall? *
A. PR 86-97
B. PR 99 +
C. Excellent
D. Above Average

3. What is the standard score of this highest bar in the graph? *
A. 89
B. 623.28
C. 586.72
D. 86-97

4. What domain of scholastic aptitude is the student likely to perform well? *
A. Sports Tract
B. Verbal Ability
C. Military and Law Enforcement
D. Humanities and Social Science
5. What academic strand should this student enroll in? *

6. What career path is suggested to be taken by this student? *
A. personal services
B. spiritual vocation
C. professional services
D. military and law enforcement

7. Without using visual-verbal illustrations, what disadvantage might have been encountered by the owner of this NCAE result? *
A. She will miss several data.
B. She will lose interest in reading the results.
C. She will be needing other person to read the data.
D. She will find it difficult to identify and interpret the data.
8. How can this kind of document help you as student of grade 8? *
A. I can now start making plans for my career.
B. I can now interpret complex and multiple data like this.
C. It made me decide the career path I would pursue.
D. It made me realized to take NCAE seriously if there will be one next year.

For numbers 9-15. Read the article and answer the questions below.
Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases approved COVID-19 alert level system in Metro Manila to bring back economic vitality without compromising the health of everyone.
The approved alert level system is composed of Alert Levels 1 to 5, and the granular lockdown quarantine status. In piloting this system, these 5 levels are determined as:
Alert Level 1 is the lowest alert level. This is for areas with low and decreasing COVID 19 cases as well as with low rate of utilization in hospital bed and intense care unit. Under this level, movements are allowed except those that would require close contact so establishments can have full capacity and operation.
Alert Level 2 is stricter than alert level 1. Movements are also allowed especially individual outdoor exercises. 50 % capacity will be allowed for places and activity like dining in, personal care services, entertainment and recreational venues, mass gatherings, funeral services, meetings, conferences, exhibits and indoor tourist attractions while 100% capacity for other activity and business operation.
9. What could be the best title for this expository text? *
A. COVID-19 Alert Level System
B. From Quarantine to Alert Level
C. Alert Level System in NCR and Granular Lockdown
D. What You Need to Know About the COVID-19 Alert Level System in NCR

10. What does this essay discuss? *
A. Alert level system for NCR
B. Alert level system to revive economy
C. Alert level system for pilot implementation
D. Alert level system that will balance health and economy

11. What activity without restriction on ages and comorbidities is allowed to 4 of the alert levels? *
A. dining-in
B. outdoor exercise
C. business operation
D. personal care service

12. In what alert level can all businesses operate in full capacity? *
A. Alert level 1
B. Alert level 2
C. Alert level 3
D. Alert level 4
13. What visual-verbal illustration is the most suitable to use in this expository text? *
A. Graph-to show the percentage of capacity
B. Map-to show areas and their alert level number
C. Chart- to clearly show the increasing alert level
D. Table-to easily see the difference among 5 alert levels

14. After choosing the right visual-verbal illustration, what important details should you put in it? *
A. Alert level numbers
B. Places and their alert level
C. Businesses allowed in each alert level
D. Restrictions and guidelines for each alert level

15. If the writer used visual-verbal illustration in presenting the information, how can it be beneficial for his readers? *
A. Readers will enjoy reading.
B. Readers will read the article critically.
C. Readers will be attracted to read.
D. Readers can determine details easily and understand the content better."

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