DR. TOSHIAKI NISHIGAKI, A Japanese Chemist Doctor from Japan conducted a series of systematic investigation to prove the magnificent medicinal properties of Buah Merah (Red Fruit) in 2006. He discovered the presence of BETA-CRYPTOXANTHIN in Buah Merah. Dr. Nishigaki came from the School of Medicine, Shinshu University of Japan. He is the Head of M&K Laboratories Inc. in Japan.<br />
<br />
Contact<br />
0919-499-5899/0916-509-5899<br />
<br />
About BUAH MERAH<br />
BUAH MERAH plants are found among the density of tropical forest, spread over cool mountain climate on 2000-3000 meters above sea level in Papua, Indonesia. The Latin name of Buah Merah is PANDAMUS CONOIDEUS LAM.<br />
It has 16m height with free stand limp 5 until 8m height supported with rhizome at lower limp. Fruit shape is oval and its bud covered with fruit leaves. Red Fruit is 55cm-100cm long, 10-15cm diameter, and 2-3 kg weight. It has bright maroon red color.<br />
Buah Merah is a rich source of natural Vitamin E, Omega 3, 6, 9 that are important antioxidant to destroy oxygen free radicals that attack our healthy cells. The higher the level of anti-oxidants in our body risk of developing chronic diseases.<br />
1. Gives Extra Energy & Improves Stamina<br />
2. Boost The Immune System<br />
3. Fights Cancer Cells<br />
4. Reduces Bad Cholesterol<br />
5. Normalizes Blood Sugar Level<br />
6. Detoxifies Toxins<br />
BUAH MERA MIX will help those suffering from:<br />
High Cholesterol<br />
Alzheimer's<br />
Cancer<br />
Asthma<br />
Arthritis<br />
Diabetes<br />
Bronchial Problem<br />
Prostate Problem<br />
Thyroid Problem<br />
Kidney Problem<br />
Liver Problem<br />
Heart Problem<br />
Ovarian Problems<br />
Poor Memory<br />
Stroke<br />
Constipation<br />
Urinary Tract Infection<br />
Weak Body<br />
Anemia<br />
Back Pain<br />
Cyst<br />
Lupus<br />
Goiter<br />
Myoma<br />
Dengue<br />
Hepatitis<br />
Vertigo<br />
Pneumonia<br />
Allergy<br />
Hypertension<br />
Psoriasis<br />
Other Degenerative Diseases<br />
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For your orders and dealership or inquiries:<br />
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Contact:<br />