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Philippine Working Visa (9G) & Permit Process

Ad Type: Announcement | Location: Cebu City
| Views: | Comments: | 29 July 2013

1.       We understand the needs of foreigner working or investing in the Philippines. Cebu Business Outsourcing Solutions (CBOS) will handle registration, documentation and processing with the local Government Unit so can avoid dealing with the time consuming official procedure at government agencies. Philippine Working Visa (9G) & Permit Process

  Any foreign national wishing to work in the Philippines must obtain a work visa (9G).A 9(g) is a Philippine working visa for foreigners entering the Philippine entering the Philippines to engage in a lawful occupation. In general it must be shown that the services of the alien are indispensable to the management, operation, administration, or control of local or locally based firms. The companies must petition their employees to obtain this visa. If the duration of the assignment is less than six months, a special work permit application may be submitted to the authorities. If the assignment is for more than six months ,the assignee may apply either in the  Philippines or via a Philippines Consulate.

 Philippine Alien Employment Permit(AEP)

  An Alien Employment Permit(AEP) is a document issued by the Department of Labor and Employment that allows a foreign national to work in the Philippines. This is normally applied in the tandem with a 9(g)pre-arranged employment visa and applies to foreign national seeking employment in the Philippine, Foreign Professionals allowed to practice their profession in the Philippines, and Holders of SIRV ,SRRV, Treaty Trader visa , Special non immigrant visa for executive , advisory , supervisory , or technical positions.

AEPs are valid for a period of one (1) year unless the employment contract , consultancy services or other modes of engagement or term of office for elective officers ,provides for a longer period.


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